The new age printing

Vrinda Das
2 min readMay 16, 2019


Our 3D printing session with Shreyas SP and Reethan Doijode from HyCube Works

From woodblock printing to digital printing, we have set a revolution to take the visual techniques in our hand. Amidst this, we have now explored a new technique of printing in a 3D format too. As part of our curriculum in the industry 4.0 revolution, we began a new journey educating our little smart heads the parts of a 3D printer, its working and ways in which we can print 3D objects.

Our champions had a curious time watching their magic cartoon symbols being printed right in front of them. They were guided by Shreyas SP and Reethan Doijode, the co-founders of HyCube Works who demonstrated a live printing process to the students.

3D printed Cartoon symbols

Our students were surprised to know that a 3D printer could print models as big as a human and maybe look exactly like one of them. In this 3D printing session, we achieved our aim to bring a clarity among the students as to how a 3D printer functions, the parts and its purposes and how the object is being 3D printed by commands given to the printer.



Vrinda Das

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