Why to learn Hindi?

Hemamalini J
6 min readNov 24, 2019


7 Interesting reasons

People who love and relish life and who are passionate about life, love languages!

As the famous quote goes: “Knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom.” ~ Roger Bacon

Books provide us with ample knowledge but knowledge gained by learning a foreign language and then travelling and interacting with the people in that foreign country is a knowledge which can never be matched by any book.

The wish to learn a foreign language is not a whim but a deep yearning and desire to see another country and community, listen, observe and interact with the native people of that country and explore their cultural uniqueness.

Though there are many popular foreign languages which people learn worldwide, Hindi language has its own identity and popularity in the linguistic world.

Here we will see 7 interesting reasons to learn Hindi as a foreign language.


One reason which I have found very motivating consistently among students is to learn Hindi when the partner in a relationship is a Hindi speaker. What better reason to learn a language than for “love”? When you are in love you would very much wish to communicate in your partner’s language when the partner is a foreign language speaker. You would wish to know about the partner’s culture, country, tradition etc. And language is the best plausible way to go about it.

The reason of learning for love itself facilitates quick learning by consistent motivation, relevance and determined learning. Further it provides with a convenient set up to practice with a native speaker always. Hence, the chances of succeeding in mastering the language are much more.

All around the world there are quite a number of people from different nationalities who fall in love with Hindi speakers. And what better way to find a way into their hearts than by learning Hindi.


The next best reason to learn Hindi are bollywood films. All around the world there are people who adore bollywood films. Though a person can watch foreign films with subtitles, there is nothing like watching bollywood films or for that matter any language film in its own language. In this way one can learn the nuances of the language without losing its originality, its culture, and traditions. Watching a bollywood film in Hindi is an experience by itself which I underline no one should miss.


If you are fascinated by India, its people, its culture , its geography and its diversity, you have a wide range of travelling possibilities to experience in India. And learning Hindi will make your experience in India memorable and exciting.

India is a country with varied climatic conditions. Every region has a different geography, culture and lifestyle. Northern India is surrounded by mountains and it’s fertile. The west has the wide “Thar” desert, the eastern part has lush green forests, beautiful hills and rivers. And south of India is a peninsula which is surrounded by the sea on all three sides.

Knowing Hindi can make it possible for you to speak to the locals in their native tongue. Speaking with the locals in their language can be an amazing and a delightful experience.

As Mr. Nelson Mandela said “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.”

Knowing Hindi helps you to navigate easily inside India and also it makes it easy for the locals to trust a foreigner. Speaking in Hindi makes it possible for a traveler to find the best food, restaurant, and accommodation. One can appreciate the local art, Indian culture, traditions and customs of a foreign country when one is able to communicate in Hindi.

One can enjoy the local Hindi dialect, its language and its true essence when one travels knowing Hindi.


India is well known as a spiritual country. It has been the birth place of four major religions — Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism. It has also been the birth place of numerous saints, gurus (religious teachers) and philosophers. Learning Hindi can be useful in reading the spiritual scriptures and gaining knowledge. A person knowing Hindi will be able to understand and experience the spiritualistic teachings of the guru better.

Many spiritual texts are written in Hindi. People who know Hindi can take advantage of it. These spiritual books give the readers a peep into the spiritual and serene world. To understand the spiritualism of India vividly and with empathy, learning Hindi will be of immense importance.


As we all know that India is an economically growing economy. So a lot of growth is predicted in the near future in all the fields. Be it the field of technology, law, tourism, science, telecommunication, space research etc, India is progressing quickly in all sectors. And a job experience in India gives a lot of exposure to the employee given the vibrant and growing industries India has.

With start up companies sprouting everyday there a lot of opportunities to join hands with them, invest in their innovative projects, work with them and grow together. And all this will become much much easier when one is able to converse fluently in Hindi. Hindi knowledge can be very beneficial to settle down in a new job and in India where the majority of the population speaks Hindi.

Even if there doesn’t arise an opportunity to move into India for a job, there will be many instances where one would have to speak with the Indian workforce given the number of jobs which are outsourced to India especially in the field of information technology, automobile industry and so on.

Knowing Hindi may be of great help at work to communicate with your Indian counterparts.

6. YOGA:

Yog (as it is said in Hindi) originated in India and when one wants to learn yog what better place than the origin itself. The world has realized the strength and benefits of yog. It’s very rare we come across people who haven’t heard about yog. And as a consequence people would like to learn and practice yog in the right way and from the pioneer’s themselves.

There are people who would like to learn yog for self practice and self development. And there are also people who would like to spread the knowledge of yog to the world. So, their primary goal is to become yog teachers.

Hindi fluency will be of great help to people coming to India to acquire the knowledge of yog. Hindi fluency will be useful in understanding the usefulness of different yog asanas and its holistic effects to the human body. Hindi knowledge will also be useful in understanding and interacting with the yog gurus, their teachings and practicing the same.

7. FUN:

And what more reason than to learn a language for the fun of it. Learning Hindi and speaking it with the locals is a pleasure which no language lover would withhold.

Hindi being a common man’s language can be extremely enjoyable to converse with the locals. The joy of seeing the locals being shocked when a foreigner speaks their native language can be utterly priceless. And the locals get more excited and eager to interact with a Hindi speaking foreigner.

Therefore, if one doesn’t want to lose out on such simple and genuine pleasures, then it will be a good idea to try and learn Hindi.


So, my conclusion is that though I have given the above interesting reasons to learn Hindi, there is one major reason apart from all the above reasons that is very essential to learn any new language. It’s the love, curiosity and interest towards a particular foreign country. When one is curious or has a kind of soft feeling towards a country then the learners wish to learn and speak the foreign language.

· So, do you love India?

· Do you love its diverse culture?

· Are you curious to know about the Indian life style?

Then there’s no stopping you from learning the Hindi language.

#Language Learning #Foreign Language #Fluency #Communication #Speaking #HindiLanguage #Hindilearning #SpokenHindi #WhyHindi



Hemamalini J

"Teaching is imparting and sharing knowledge as well as growing and evolving of the self." www.hindi-online-class.com