Build a stunning GitHub Profile with 9 easy steps and tools in Data Science and Software fieldšŸš€

Himanshu Ramchandani
4 min readMar 7, 2023


GitHub profile of Himanshu Ramchandani

Listen to this article on Spotify:

Understand that GitHub is the new resume for developers and ML Engineers.

Recruiters can directly approach you through your GitHub profile.

1. Profile picture

The profile picture is a must. Take feedback from your friends about it. Change it until it looks professional.

You can use Photofeeler, you can test how your picture looks to other people.

2. Description of Repositories

Every time you create a repository, make sure you add a proper description and documentation to it.

When someone visits your profile they will see the top 4 repo, there should be a description of each one.

3. Profile readme. md file

When someone visits your profile make sure they see all the things you have done so far as we show in our resume.

To do that create a repository with the same name as your username > add a readme file in that and put all your resume content in it.

By doing this your profile will now have your personal landing page.

Use this tool

4. The headline

The headling about you should have 3 parts:



Result-Focused Value proposition


Data Scientist | Python SQL | Help businesses make data-driven decisions and build AI-Powered data products.

You can analyze your heading with this tool:

5. Get inspiration

Use mine to get started with your GitHub profile.

DM me if you have any doubts or need any help.

6. About section

A great about section contains 3 parts mainly:

A paragraph that includes your job, years of experience, and the value you bring to the table.

Your projects with use cases in detail.

Call to Action(CTA) so that people can connect with you. Add your email or contact details. Like this:

You can contact me here:

7. Build valuable projects

Great code is for networking.

Code regularly, and solve algorithm-based questions.

It will allow you to showcase the value in your own words.

Build ā†’ Deploy ā†’ Get use cases

8. Contribute to open-source

Contribute and document your work. This not only helps you improve your skills and build a strong portfolio, but it also shows potential employers and collaborators that you are actively engaged in the developer community.

How to make your first contribution? Check this out:

9. Regularly update & share your work

You should regularly update your profile with new projects and experiences. This will help you stay visible and active within the GitHub community.

Share your repositories with other developers in the community, which can be on Linkedin, Twitter, Whatsapp groups, etc.

I recently got 40LPA through my GitHub Profile:

Data Analytics FREE Roadmap

Python for Beginner YouTube Playlist:


Notes on Data, Product, and AI ā€” Newsletter:


AI Jobs LinkedIn Group

Thatā€™s a wrap!

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Himanshu Ramchandani

AI-Advisor & Data Strategy Consultant ā€¢ Building AI products ā€¢ Helping Industry Leaders 10x their AI expertise ā€¢ Documenting the processšŸš€