Need To Increase Focus On Pharma Research And Development

Hemarsh Technologies
2 min readNov 27, 2018


Apart from getting recognition & applause, Research and Development in a department like Pharma can be instrumental in saving many lives.

Why Is Pharmaceutical Research & Development Important?

It can save Lives

As a researcher, you have that absolute opportunity in your hand to save people from life-threatening diseases. A lot of people think of you as a saviour of mankind. So if you are a part of a pharma research department then you are definitely doing something good that in a way will benefit many.

Progression Is the Key to Success

When you are researching on a particular topic, progress is something that is definitely on top of your mind. You want your research to yield results, to discover something that has never been discovered before.

Research Leads To Discovery

Try, try and you will succeed one day… This proverb will definitely motivate you to never give up on your research for you may never know what new you are capable of discovering. You may set out to find out something but may end up discovering something completely new, maybe a life-saving drug that you and your team could be absolutely proud of.

Characteristics of a Good Pharmaceutical Research

Research Proposal

Before stepping in something as big as pharmaceutical research… go for a good research proposal. Consult as many people as possible, positive feedback and comments will reaffirm your belief in your chosen subject and that’s the way you will be able to give your 100% to it. However, if you are totally convinced about your research topic then you shouldn’t be too bothered about the negative comments from people.

It’s Meticulous

It’s obviously a matter of life and death, therefore, a pharmaceutical research should be done as carefully as possible.

Knowing Vs Hunting For Targets

You may know a lot of things, but you really cannot set up a path for discovery if you are going in with incomplete information. Your review of the literature, facts, and statistics should be as accurate as possible.

Reviving Pharma Productivity

Is the research you are conducting really helping the pharma sector to grow? Are you bringing something new to the table? Are you the one who is playing a big hand in discovering something new and different? Ask yourself these questions and if the answer is no then definitely your research is of no use.

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Hemarsh Technologies

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