Har pocket ab dustbin

Hema Vinod
1 min readApr 23, 2024


The little girl in the Britannia advert has a passion for collecting litter. The litter goes into her pocket. When her mom questions the large amount of plastic wrappers in her pocket, she says, “Haven’t you told me to treat my packet as a temporary dustbin?”The mother hugs and kisses her.

This video has been doing the rounds on Earth day.

This reminded me of an incident as a student in grade 7. Our new principal had joined the school. She was an American lady. As we stood watching her, she bent down to pick some ice cream wrappers and put them in the waste paper basket. Her simple act taught us that no one is too high and mighty to put trash where it belongs.

The Britannia ad is a great awareness raising tool. May more ads be birthed to create this kind of awareness.

Our country needs more of this.



Hema Vinod

Author of Amazon Bestsellers ‘Parenteening Made Simple’,‘Girl Empower Yourself’ and ‘ABC of Parenting. Worked as Educationist with Unicef in several countries.