Consume Right Cannabis Content For Intended Effects!

Hempire Innovations
2 min readJan 11, 2023



The use of cannabis products is prevalent for recreational and health purposes. The manufacturers provide various consumables that contain multiple compounds of cannabis, causing different effects. The plant has more than 500 identifiable natural compounds, including cannabinoids, terpenoids, flavonoids, and omega fatty acids. Among them, cannabinoid compounds are more than 100 and include known bioactive or volatile compounds such as THC, CBD, and CBN and lesser known compounds CBC, CBG, CBL, CBT, and receptors.

NC cannabis consumables and healthcare products often contain less or more proportion of these compounds to produce desired effects. A brief description of major known cannabis compounds — THC, CBD, and CBN, NC, is as follows,

THC — Tetrahydrocannabinol, shortly known as THC, is the primary psychoactive constituent of cannabis. It quickly gets absorbed into the bloodstream and travels to the brain, giving a high. Its intake stimulates appetite and alleviates neuropathic pain, muscle difficulties, overactive bladder, and other symptoms. However, its excess consumption leads to distortion in thinking, movement, and coordination. Many consume THC products to get relaxation in anxiety, depression, and sadness.

CBD — It is a short form of cannabidiol — a phytocannabinoid found in cannabis plant extracts. The compound accounts for up to 40% of extracts’ natural composition. CBD is a non-psychoactive compound without intoxicating effects. As per studies, it possesses medically beneficial properties, and its ingestion helps in seizures, insomnia, neurological disorders, non-cancerous tumor removal, and inhibition of cancerous cells. The individuals can vape or smoke the cannabis flower, add CBD oil or tincture to their food items, or ingest the capsules to get the healthcare benefits in various conditions.

CBN — The mild psychoactive compound in cannabis is cannabinol, also known as CBN, NC, and worldwide. It is an oxidized metabolite of THC and is substantially present in the form of acid in plants. The cannabis processors heat the acid to get CBN NC. Consumption of cannabinol compounds inhibits the growth of microbes, reduces inflammation and nausea, relieves pain, and helps treat visionary disease and blistering skin. It produces neuroprotective effects if used with CBD. Most Cannatonin sleep capsules contain CBN compounds whose ingestion relaxes the mind, relieves pain, and promotes sound sleep.

Concluding Words

The manufacturers always combine multiple cannabis compounds with other terpenes for flavor and a pleasant smell. Though the users can choose the flavors, they must pick the products with the right cannabis content to suit their requirements.

