5 Environmental Benefits of Hempcrete Construction

2 min readMay 27, 2022


What is Hempcrete?

Hempcrete is a type of non-structural concrete made from hemp hurds and lime. It can be used as the wall and floor material, acting as the exterior wall face, insulation and interior wall face.

Typically built with residential wood frame construction where the wood carries all the structural loads.

Hempcrete is a construction practice that is widespread across Europe and is now becoming increasingly popular across the entire globe.

1: Natural and Biodegradable Materials

Made from almost 100% organic, non synthetic materials which can easily degrade in with the soil once the structure’s life is complete

2: Hemp growth absorbs a ton of CO2

Hemp growth is proven to capture more than 2 times more CO2 than trees in 100 days time span.

3: Hempcrete wall itself captures CO2

Process of lime hardening requires CO2 which means that the structure will keep capturing CO2 as the walls harden over time.

4: High R Value Material = Lower Heating Energy Usage

Hempcrete has a high R value, which means that the wall itself is the insulation. This can reduce the amount of energy used in heating the home.

5: High Thermal Mass = Lower Cooling Energy Usage

Hempcrete has a high thermal mass if it is built with high compaction. This can allow the walls to absorb heat during the daytime and release it at night. Keeping the house cool during the day and reducing the amount of energy used in cooling the home.




Spreading awareness and research about how Industrial hemp holds the key to making all our industries more sustainable in an effort to reduce climate change.