The Basics of a Cast in Place Hempcrete Wall

4 min readDec 27, 2021


We are beginning to see an increasing trend of homes being constructed with hemp lime concrete.

What is Hemp Lime Concrete?

Hemp Lime Concrete, also known as Hempcrete is a unique building material, being a composite of a bio-fibre (hemp hurd or shiv) and a mineral binder (lime). These ingredients are blended together with water, and the moistened binder coats all the particles of hemp shiv.

Carbon Capture

The plant absorbs a lot of CO2 through it’s lifecycle and stores it into the wall.

High R Value

Hempcrete has an R-value of 2.4 to 4.8 per inch, compared to 0.1 to 0.2 per inch of concrete.

Thermal Mass

For the season of summer, it stores heat in the wall during the day and releases it at night. Most houses built with hempcrete do not need an AC.

Sound Absorption

Used on external and internal walls as a great sound absorber.

3 in 1

A Lime Plastered hemp wall acts as: Exterior wall, Insulation and Drywall.

Moisture Control

Mold and moisture build up can destroy a structure but the hempcrete wall is breathable which makes a big difference. The “breathable” wall.

Fire Resistant

Hemp is great at resisting fire and has been proven to respond well in fire situations.

How is Hempcrete used to build a home?

Since there are many ways one can make a home with hempcrete, in this article we will assume that you are building a standard home made with hempcrete with basic components, ideal for mist climates around the planet.

Hempcrete is not used for structural support and is actually used in combination with structural lumbar.


(A) Lime Plaster

  • This type of plaster is made of sand, water and lime.
  • A mixture of lime and sand taken in equal proportions in a mortar mill, mechanically prepared with water to make a paste of required consistency.
  • It is vapor permeable which helps to create a “breathable” wall.
  • Can be used on interior or exterior.
  • It is a natural material and it’s usage can be traced back to 7,500 BC.
Lime Plaster in the Roman Pantheon (Source: The History of Lime)

(B) Cast in Place Hempcrete

The Process

  1. Mix the Hempcrete onsite and make the product ready
Mixing and Preparing Hempcrete (Source)
Machine Mixing and Preparing Hempcrete (Source)

2. Have the wall in fill area ready with formwork

  • The form work is placed in one section at a time. Once the hempcrete has been casted and cured in that area, the formwork plywood is then stripped and moved to the next section.
Display of Formwork Installation before pouring Hempcrete
Formwork being removed after Hempcrete has been cast (Source)

3. Place the hempcrete (one layer at a time)

  • The freshly prepared hempcrete is placed into the wall by simply being dropped from a bucket.
Hempcrete after being cast in place, formwork isready to be removed
Buckets of freshly mixed hempcrete, ready for casting (Source)

4. Leveling the placed hempcrete material by hand

  • An even amount needs to be dropped each time and spread out evenly (can be done with tools or by hand).
  • This prepared the hempcrete for the tamping process.
Hempcrete being spread out evenly by hand

5. Tamp the hempcrete around the edges of the formwork

  • Hempcrete is tamped around the edges to settle it into place.
  • It is important to place and tamp manageable amounts of hempcrete at one time, this helps to maintain quality. This is why the hempcrete is placed and tamped in layers.
Tamping of Hempcrete

6. One section at a time

Once the hempcrete has been casted into the form boarded area, the formboard can be removed to be reinstalled a little higher, until the whole wall area is complete.

Another Cross Section of A Hempcrete Wall (Source)

(C) Timber Studs

  • This accounts for the structural part of the wall.
  • Structural Lumbar is used for: Columns, Studs, Beams, Etc.

(D) Lime Render

  • This is the same as lime plaster, except it can be used more specifically for outdoor applications.
  • Render means “a first coat of plaster applied to a surface”.

Hempcrete Homes by DuChanvre

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Spreading awareness and research about how Industrial hemp holds the key to making all our industries more sustainable in an effort to reduce climate change.