Do computer science majors require a powerful computer or laptop?

yash hemrajani
1 min readAug 31, 2022


Actually, no.

Undergraduate courses never require too much processing power to do the assigned tasks. The majority of the time, 8GB of memory and a dual core i5 CPU will be adequate for all of the course assignments. That is adequate even if you have an IntelliJ project. However, since the memory in MacBooks cannot be upgraded and you might wish to use the device for a longer period of time, you might only want to purchase a model with 16GB.

There isn’t a real task to execute, thus you don’t require too much computing power. For an undergraduate course, one never actually trains a huge deep neural network on a laptop. The majority of undergraduate course programmes run for a brief period of time.

Now, the situation is different if you conduct research, but you still do not require a powerful machine. A laptop is typically insufficient to conduct real ML or computer systems research. You’ll be using equipment from the university lab, and for significant tests, you’ll ssh into the workstations or servers, so you hardly ever perform strenuous tasks on your work laptop.

So no, a powerful laptop is not necessary. Spending less on a strong GPU and more on superior external monitors and keyboards will increase your productivity considerably more.

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