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When Are You Most Attractive; Unveiling the Truth About Peak Sexual Marketplace Value

Joshua Henderson
4 min readSep 9, 2023


In the ever-evolving world of online dating, understanding the dynamics of attraction and desirability is a quest that researchers have embarked upon with zeal. One intriguing study that has captured the attention of experts and enthusiasts alike is the article titled “Aspirational Pursuit of Mates and Online Dating Markets.” Published in 2018 in the prestigious Science Advances journal by two University of Michigan professors from diverse backgrounds, this study sheds light on the intricate web of dating dynamics in the digital age.

The Quest for Desirability: A Statistical Odyssey

To delve into the world of peak sexual marketplace value, these enterprising researchers harnessed the power of sophisticated statistical models. Armed with mountains of data collected over one month from a popular dating app (though they coyly omit the app’s name, it’s likely Tinder), they embarked on a journey that would reveal profound insights into human attraction.

While the study doesn’t explicitly disclose its sample size, it’s safe to assume that we’re dealing with millions of data points, rendering their findings remarkably robust. What set this research apart was its determination to quantify desirability — an elusive concept that’s challenging to pin down for various reasons. For instance, the fact that men initiate contact over 80% of the time complicates the simplistic idea of measuring attractiveness based on who receives the most attention.

The Art of Quantifying Desirability

To tackle this conundrum, the researchers devised a sophisticated vector analysis that incorporated various aspects of user interactions. This intricate algorithm ranked every user of the dating app during the study period based on their desirability, considering not only the number of messages and responses but also the quality of interactions. This nuanced approach allowed them to ascertain desirability gaps between those initiating contact and those receiving it, adding depth to their analysis.


Age and Desirability: An Intriguing Connection

One of the most compelling revelations from this study pertains to age and desirability. The researchers found that average desirability varies with age for both men and women. However, the patterns for each gender follow distinctly different trajectories.

For women, the data suggests a steady decline in desirability as age advances. The average woman’s desirability, as perceived by men, appears to drop consistently from the age of 18 until she reaches 60. In contrast, men experience a different journey, with their desirability peaking around the age of 50 before gradually declining.

This revelation is nothing short of remarkable, as it transcends individual preferences and is derived from the collective behavior of hundreds of thousands of people across diverse age groups and locations. The stability of these findings across four different and independent cities further underscores the credibility and power of this research.

The Power of Anonymity: Unveiling Hidden Desires

One aspect that makes this study particularly compelling is its focus on behavior that occurs in the realm of anonymity and privacy. In the digital dating landscape, individuals are often more candid about their desires when they believe no one is watching. This contrasts with the often socially conditioned responses that emerge when people are asked directly about their preferences.

The study serves as a window into the raw, unfiltered expressions of desire, unburdened by societal expectations. It reminds us that actions often speak louder than words, and what people do in private can reveal profound truths about human attraction.

Peak Normalized Sexual Marketplace Values

In essence, the findings of this study provide a glimpse into what we can term “peak normalized sexual marketplace values.” According to the data, men perceive women to be at their peak sexual marketplace value at the age of 18. This perception isn’t solely based on the quantity of attention women receive but also on the quality of attention they attract.

Conversely, women consider men to be at their peak sexual marketplace value when they reach the age of 50. This perception, too, is shaped not just by the volume of female attention men receive but by the caliber of that attention.

These insights, drawn from a vast pool of data, challenge conventional notions of attractiveness and desire. They provide a unique and data-driven perspective on what society deems desirable in the realm of online dating.


In conclusion, the study titled “Aspirational Pursuit of Mates and Online Dating Markets” offers a deep dive into the intricate world of digital dating dynamics. Its rigorous methodology, reliance on vast datasets, and focus on anonymous behavior make it a reliable source of insights into the true nature of human attraction.

The revelation that age plays a significant role in perceived desirability, with women peaking at 18 and men at 50, challenges our preconceived notions about attractiveness. This isn’t merely a matter of individual preference; it’s a collective perception gleaned from extensive data across diverse demographics.

As we navigate the complex landscape of online dating, this research serves as a valuable compass, guiding us toward a deeper understanding of what society deems desirable. While desirability is undoubtedly influenced by myriad factors, this study offers a data-driven glimpse into one of its most intriguing facets. So, what do you think? Feel free to let me know.




Joshua Henderson

Curating words that spark curiosity, offering insights to elevate your everyday life. 📚|