Canva Usability Testing

Hendra Susanto
7 min readJul 21, 2021



Canva is a graphic design platform, used to create social media graphics, presentations, posters, documents and other visual contents. There are several templates provided by Canva such as Instagram post, resume, video, business card, logo, and other templates. This platform is free, but also offers paid subscriptions such as Canva Pro and Canva for Enterprise for additional functionality. Canva is also available in mobile app version in google play, has been downloaded 100M+ times and so far got 5 million reviews with the rating 4.7 out of 5 stars (per June 2021).

I conducted usability testing using link of Canva’s prototype that I shared to participants’ phone and they would perform the given task through their phone. Because of time and convenience purpose for my participants, I blasted usability testing’s questionnaire instead of doing interview via online or face off.

Executive Summary

I conducted usability testing by sending link of prototype and questionnaire for selected participants to know their opinions about Canva’s prototype. In this testing there are 3 participants involved and it takes about 15–20 minutes to fill in the questionnaire.

From the result obtained from usability testing, first I found that the prototype needs to be improved especially on user interface (UI) and search bar. And second is all participants succeed when looking for their desired templates. For additional, to group canva product into several groups is not a bad idea and meanwhile several aspects are also needs to be improved such as navigation, tone of voice, grouping, and other features.

Overall the prototype had received good result in convenience to find the template, organization of information, ease and clarity the language used, and satisfaction. Even though for the navigation the result was not clear and it is also something that needs to be improved.


The goal of this usability testing is:

A. to find out how users perceive Canva’s new look

B. to find out what users think about the search bar on Canva

C. to find out the user’s success status when looking for the desired template



The participants’ criteria using user specification as following below:

  • Female or male
  • Age 18–40 years old
  • Have ever using Canva app for the last one year to design any template
  • Using app or web based of Canva

For the record, I am using the same participants as in my early user research to find out whether my prototype can solve the problem or not based on what I found earlier during user research.

I did a follow-up contact with them via whatsapp. I sent the link for the questionnaire and prototype. I also state how to undertake the usability testing with the following below:

1. User use PC/computer to fill in the questionnaire while using mobile phone to try out the prototype. This is obliged to make user easier to navigate the prototype.

2. There are several questions about prototype and instruction to perform several tasks. User needs to answer the question based on what user think, feel, or do while using the prototype.

3. This is for my note: If user does not give a clearer answer in filling the questionnaire, I am doing follow up question to ask more clarity to user.

The participants are mix of family and acquaintances of the researcher. Mostly they are working in a private company. The age ranges from 25 to 30 years old and all participants are male.

Participant Profile

Testing, Evaluation, and Post-Test Questionnaire

  1. Introduction

I contacted previous participants from my user research to ask their willingness and availability to be my usability tester. After that I sent the prototype and questionnaire link to participants.

2. Tasks

Participants are instructed to attempt completion of the following task:

  • Choose three templates to use as suggested (card/presentation/resume/poster) and state the success status (success or fail)

3. Evaluation

Participants are asked for their opinions about the prototypes that have been tried

  • What participants feel (positive or negative) when looking for the first/second/template they choose
  • The level of convenience to find the template from easy to hard based on participants perception
  • Opinion about Canva’s overall look
  • Opinion about button, background and other colors applied on it
  • Opinion about font/letter used in interface
  • Opinion about photo and illustrations applied on interface
  • Opinion about tone of voice applied in interface
  • Opinion about search bar applied on interface
  • Opinion about classification or grouping applied on interface
  • Opinion about button’s functionality
  • Opinion about navigation applied on interface
  • Opinion about feature liked on interface
  • Opinion about feature less liked on interface
  • Opinion about what already good in Canva
  • Opinion about what needs to be improved for Canva
  • Opinion about what should be removed from Canva

4. Post Test Questionnaire

There are several questions asked in post-test as following below:

  • Level of completion of participant’s task in finding the template
  • Level of organization of information on the application
  • Level of ease of navigation on the application
  • Ease and clarity of the language used in the application
  • Overall satisfaction level of the application


This is the result of how participant feel after performing tasks in prototype

Data Analysis 1
Data Analysis 2
Data Analysis 3 (cont. Data Analysis 2)
Data Analysis 4
Data Analysis 5
Data Analysis 6 (cont. Data Analysis 5)
Data Analysis 7

Next this is the result of participant’s opinion regarding the prototype

Data Analysis 8
Data Analysis 9
Data Analysis 10
Data Analysis 10
Data Analysis 11
Data Analysis 12 (cont. from Data Analysis 11)
Data Analysis 13
Data Analysis 14
Data Analysis 15
Data Analysis 16
Data Analysis 17

Participants are also asked about theirs opinions for Canva’s improvement. I summary that grouping is good enough, with many templates and tools are available to use and very helpful. But several aspects should be improved such as UI and the classification/grouping can be made easier dan more intutive (choose a better collective noun). And also template features still can be shorten and combined into one group. Here is the result:

Input for Improvement

Based on participants’ input, I propose a new UI look for Canva as can be seen below

New Proposed UI for Canva

Last, this is the result of post-test questionnaire from participants. The question is asking participant’s judgement after using the prototype. Participant needs to give score from 1 to 5, with notes: 1: very low; 2: low; 3: don’t know; 4: high; and 5: very high.

Post Test Questionnaire Result

From the result, I conclude that:

  • All of participants give 4 out of 5 which is high level in finding the template they want. Overall they can complete the task without problem.
  • All of participants give 4 out of 5 which is high level of information’s organization. Overall they are quite understand how to find template they want.
  • Every participant give different score range from 3 to 5 for navigation on the application. This can’t be concluded or inconclusive.
  • Most participants give 4 out of 5 which is high level of ease and clarity of the language used in the application. Most of them think that language is already good.
  • Most participants give 4 out of 5 which is high level of satisfaction of the application. Most of them think that prototype is already good.


Several factors may have affected the results of the usability test which are:

1. The usability testing is not conducted via online or face off interview. Even though I am doing a follow up question, I may miss or misunderstand some points of what participants are trying to say.

2. The sample size for card sorting are too small, it may not give the best result for grouping Canva product.

3. The participants for usability testing are only 3 persons (my initial target are 5 persons) and the result may not give better insight

4. Misinterpretation of qualitative feedback may affect the results slightly


Overall, based on my primary goal for this usability testing I conclude that:

  1. Canva’s new look still need improvement for more appealing look
  2. Search bar on Canva still need improvement for better usage
  3. Overall participants succeed when looking for their desired templates

and for the record, the idea of grouping canva product into several groups is not a bad idea. But still there are also several aspects needs to be improved such as navigation, tone of voice, grouping, and other features.



Hendra Susanto
Hendra Susanto

Written by Hendra Susanto

A man who wanna grow up with fun ways, try to pursue the true meaning of life, and become the best version of himself ever since

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