Old Orhei in Moldova

3 min readNov 17, 2023


Exploring the Rich History and Tourist Appeal.

Nestled along the Răut River, Old Orhei sits as a picturesque ancient settlement that has captured the hearts of locals and tourists alike. This historic gem is located in central Moldova and boasts a rich history that spans centuries. With its stunning landscapes, archaeological wonders, and cultural significance, Old Orhei has become an increasingly popular destination for travelers seeking to explore the country’s heritage.

The history of Old Orhei dates back to the Paleolithic period, with evidence of human habitation dating as far back as the Stone Age. Its strategic location along important trade routes made it an attractive settlement for various civilizations throughout history. Over the years, the area saw the rise and fall of different empires, leaving behind a diverse and fascinating historical legacy.

One of the most notable attractions in Old Orhei is the Orheiul Vechi Archaeological Complex. This unique site allows visitors to step back in time and explore the remains of ancient civilizations. The complex offers a glimpse into Moldova’s past, with its well-preserved cave monasteries, fortresses, and dwellings carved into the limestone cliffs. The Rock Monastery, a prominent site within the complex, is a testament to the religious fervor of the medieval monks who sought solace and isolation in these natural caves. It is always recommended to take one of the many private tours in Old Orhei.

The Orheiul Vechi Archaeological Complex is not only a testament to the ingenuity of the past, but also offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. The lush green valleys, meandering river, and rugged cliffs create a stunning and unique landscape that adds to the allure of the area. Many visitors find themselves captivated by the picturesque beauty of Old Orhei, often spending hours exploring the complex and taking in the natural splendor.

Besides its archaeological wonders, Old Orhei is also renowned for its cultural heritage. The village surrounding the archaeological complex is a living museum of traditional Moldovan rural life. Local artisans practice traditional crafts, such as pottery, weaving, and woodcarving, keeping ancient traditions alive. Visitors have the opportunity to observe these craftspeople at work, and even try their hand at creating their own unique piece of art. The village also hosts folk festivals and events throughout the year, providing an immersive experience into Moldova’s vibrant cultural traditions.

Moreover, Old Orhei’s popularity among tourists can be attributed to its accessibility and well-preserved environment. Located just a short distance from the capital city, Chisinau, the area is easily accessible by road. This makes it an ideal day trip for travelers, who can explore Old Orhei and return to the comfort of the city in the evening. Additionally, the preservation efforts undertaken by the local authorities and heritage organizations ensure that Old Orhei’s historical and natural treasures are protected for future generations to enjoy.

The increasing popularity of Old Orhei as a tourist destination has brought economic benefits to the local community. The region has seen a boom in tourism-related businesses, such as hotels, restaurants, and souvenir shops. This growth has provided new job opportunities for the locals, helping to sustain the local economy and improve living standards in the area. The infusion of tourism revenue has also allowed for further preservation and restoration efforts, ensuring that Old Orhei continues to shine as a beacon of Moldova’s rich history.

In conclusion, Old Orhei in Moldova serves as a testament to the country’s rich historical and cultural tapestry. From its archaeological wonders to its stunning landscapes, this ancient settlement offers a unique and immersive experience for visitors. The well-preserved archaeological complex, traditional village life, and panoramic views make it an alluring destination for tourists seeking to explore Moldova’s past and immerse themselves in its vibrant culture. With its increasing popularity.

Old Orhei has not only become a tourist hotspot, but also a source of economic growth and preservation efforts for the local community. Take one of the many private tours in Moldova and enjoy this little gem of a country.

