8 Tips To Start A Successful Freelance Ghostwriting Career In 2022

5 min readJun 8, 2022


Freelance ghostwriters are in demand today, especially in the writing, blog and marketing niche. If you have exceptional writing skills and are passionate about writing, then freelance ghostwriting might be just what you’re looking for. Many people look out for book writing help to publish their ideas, you can help them out too.

People aspire to become professional writers, but they don’t know that they can make a living as freelance ghostwriters. There are some steps to take to start a successful freelance ghostwriting career and we’ll cover them later.

1. Acquire Necessary Skills

Writing skills: You need to be able to write well, with good grammar and spelling. If you’re not confident in your writing abilities, consider taking a course in copywriting or improving your skills by reading books on the subject.

Researching and finding information:

This can range from researching topics for articles or books to checking facts for blogs or articles written by other people (you may be asked to edit their work). You can use tools like Google Scholar, Quora and Wikipedia to find information on any topic that interests you or your clients.

Client management skills:

Being able to manage clients effectively is one of the most important aspects of ghostwriting as it ensures that projects are completed on time and within budget — and also ensures your reputation as a professional freelancer stays intact! Be sure to keep communication lines open with all parties involved for them to feel comfortable working with each other throughout every stage of production (from planning through completion). It’s also helpful if they’ve had experience working together before so they know what kind of person they’re dealing with when asking questions along with providing feedback throughout development phases too!

2. Learn The Latest Ghostwriting Trends

Stay up to date with the latest trends in ghostwriting.

To be successful as a freelance writer, you have to stay on top of the latest trends in your industry. That means keeping tabs on what’s working for other freelancers and finding ways to apply that knowledge to your own business. It also means being aware of any new developments in content creation, SEO, social media marketing, etc., so that you can know how they might affect your career and make adjustments accordingly.

3. Know Where To Find Freelance Ghostwriting Jobs

One of the best ways to find freelance ghostwriting jobs is by looking for websites that list them.

● GhostwritingJobs.com

● FreelanceWritingJobs.com

● Jobsphere.co

4. Develop Your Writing Samples

The first step in starting a freelance ghostwriting career is to develop your writing samples. A good way to do this is to think about the type of clients you would like to work with, and then write something that fits their needs. For example, if you’d like to get involved with tech startups or other businesses in Silicon Valley, try creating some blog content that speaks directly to them (in the style of “The Hustle” or “The Ringer”). If you want to work with authors or celebrities, write a book chapter for them. Or create an effective press release for an exciting news story that’s happening right now.

This exercise will help you understand which types of clients would be interested in hiring someone with your unique talents as a writer — and it may also give you an idea about where those opportunities might be hiding!

5. Build A Strong Portfolio

The first step to starting a successful freelance ghostwriting career is building a strong portfolio. Your portfolio is the main way you will get clients to notice your work and ask for more. A good portfolio should include:

● Sample articles that are similar in style, tone and length to those you write now.

● A few short pieces of fiction (up to 1,000 words) if you have them, as well as non-fiction articles on topics related to your niche.

● Examples of your research skills — do they show off how thorough they are? If a client hires me for an article about writing software reviews, I’ll want examples that show my experience with certain applications rather than just general knowledge about the industry (if it’s relevant).

6. Create A Website For Your Writing Business

● Create a website for your writing business:

● Your site should be professional and easy to navigate, with high-quality graphics and images. Make sure it’s mobile-friendly.

● Include an email newsletter signup form. So you can build up a mailing list of potential clients who are interested in what you have to offer. As well as other readers who’d like updates on new content posted on your blog or website.

● Add A Blog To Your Site: Write several articles about topics related to the type of ghostwriting services you want to offer. Or write about anything else that might be relevant. The more content there is on your site, the better (and more robust) it appears. And the more likely people will visit it again later when they need help with something else.”

7. Stay Updated With the Trends

The world is constantly changing, and so must you. Stay up-to-date with current events and trends by reading, watching, listening to and talking about the news.

If you’re not sure where to start, try reading blogs written by your favourite authors; they’ll provide a good baseline on what’s going on in the literary world. After that, explore other sources of information like magazines or books that discuss current events from a variety of perspectives. This will help you develop your own opinions about these issues. As well as provide opportunities for discussion with others who share similar interests but may have different opinions than yours!

8. Starting a Freelance Ghostwriting Career is Not That Hard, But You Need to be Consistent With Your Efforts

Starting a freelance ghostwriting career is not that hard, but you need to be consistent with your efforts. You will have to learn new skills and find the right clients. This requires a lot of patience and perseverance in order to succeed in this industry.


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