Only You Know Your Business

This blog post is for those having a tough time starting a business because of distrusting their skills, ideas, or dreams because of what others might think or say.

Henna Guajardo
5 min readFeb 11, 2022

There are some things that we, as humans sometimes forget. We are all different. While some of us have common interests, some want to jump out of the nearest window when you start speaking about specific topics.

For example, you and I. We are interested in business. How to start, grow, or maintain one. And I guess that is why you found my blog post. But not everybody shares this affinity for business. Which means they do not have that much knowledge about it. So, when you decide to include someone in your entrepreneurial intentions, ask yourself the question, why am I sharing my thoughts, ideas, and beliefs with this person?

Are they going to be an investor? Are they going to be your mentor? Or have you finally found a capable business partner? If none of the above is the case, you need to be mentally prepared. Because that beautiful thought adventure you wanted to take with that person might turn sour. Why? Because of their attitude towards business, you, the idea, or whatever that is hitting them wrong in that moment. It is like telling a joke to your parents, and it turns into a lecture. You might have started extremely happy and excited and ended up sad, demotivated, and feeling alone.

Well, luckily, or more sadly, you are not alone. This kind of resistance is way too common for us entrepreneurs. It leaves us confused, filled with doubt and anxiety. Believing that not speaking about the things that energize us with people we care about can avoid that kind of stress.

I do not remember who exactly it was that said, not to tell your plans to anybody and just pull through and baffle them with the results. Now that I think about it, it could have been almost any successful person.

But sharing your ideas with no one will harm you and your business more than you think. You need to know that a successful Entrepreneur cannot make it by himself, all alone. Filled with fear of success or failure, anxiety, and doubt. And the only thing that can eliminate those feelings is to surround yourself with good people. Aside from getting support and advice, you could open doors to more possibilities and chances for doing business. But the key-essence here is to who you open up to. As earlier stated, if they could be investors, partners, people who know the business, whose opinion you value. Those are the ones that are the so-called good people, and you should integrate them into your thinking and planning process.

The reason some people react in an unsupportive or harsh way could be out of fear, or how they like to put it, worries, and with some, it could be out of resentment. But to you, this should not matter at all. Yeah, I know it does hurt. But successful entrepreneurs listen to their internal compass to guide their future rather than letting others and external factors stand in their way. You need to focus on your achievements and always plan with one eye on long-term solutions and profits.

Nevertheless, we should not forget that the most important thing for a successful business is to pull through and stick to your ideas and dream. That is what makes Entrepreneurs so unique. They believe their idea is important enough that it is worth trying anyway.

Like earlier stated:

It is hard to stay on track and not let your self-doubt and unwanted opinion from a layperson that feeds those negative thoughts affect you. For that, you need to start to enforce your entrepreneurial thinking and acting. The earlier you start, the better it is for your mental health and entrepreneurial success.

How could one enforce and protect their sanity, you ask?

Good question!

There are many ways to take preemptive steps so that many risks are shut out the fear, if not even conquered. That is why always try to find a solution to the problem, try not to increase the pile of questions. Take a breather — try to design strategies and put your innovative ideas or solutions into action. And do not forget to ask professionals for their opinions on your problems. This could save you money, time, and mental health.

And as for the question if you are good enough? Enough with self-sabotaging already. Do not let the Imposter Syndrome take you down. Many of us struggle with this syndrome day in and day out.

What is Imposter Syndrome, you ask?

Again — what an exceptional question!

The Imposter syndrome is to persistently believe that all your achievements and success are disproportionate or cannot be because of demanding work and your efforts. So, in easy words — you do not believe that you deserve to be where you are because you have been “faking” it. This behavior is like mental poison for an Entrepreneur because you are effectively self-sabotaging and keeping yourself from fulfilling your goals. You need to push through and believe in yourself, your skills, and your achievements. And how exactly to identify and tackle it, you can find here.1

It is quite a strange time we live in. We finally are getting rid of the concept of shaming — yet we never really stop. The difference is that now we continue in mute and mostly towards ourselves and loved ones. But would you not agree that this kind of behavior is complete and utter nonsense?

If you want to start a business or follow something that might sound crazy to others, who cares — start NOW. Someone that cares for trivia more than their dreams will sadly never make it far.

As a consultant, I engage with bright and creative people daily. But some of them lack self-confidence. And that keeps them from either taking the first steps to start a business or taking more steps to grow theirs. Which constrains their full potential of becoming a successful, independent business owners.

So enough with the sulking. You are understood and supported, at least by this fellow Entrepreneur. Now aim for the stars. Connect to people that understand, listen, and give constructive criticism and enjoy this new adventure you are about to begin or continue.

If you are having trouble finding and connecting to people that understand business. You contact me to talk, and we see how to realize those ideas and goals. But before you do that — only you know your business ;)!



Henna Guajardo

Entrepreneur | Consultant | and Guide for those who want to have their own successful business | and stop working on someone else’s dream.