Hennessie Brown
2 min readSep 24, 2022
Photo Credit

Love is not supposed to be selfish they say.

Love is not supposed to be demanding.

Love is not supposed to be hurried.

Love is to be that get down in the trenches and hold on for dear life.

But what good is this kind of love,

If you have not learned to love yourself first?

See loving yourself first keeps you from a lot of broken hearts.

Not that your heart won’t be broken

It just eliminates the “I need to fix them” syndrome

Eliminates the “They don’t know what it is like to be loved”

Because the fixing of you leads to better.

Better standards:

Learning what you will and won’t accept in a relationship.

Loving you means that you are selfish.

Because you need to be picky with whom you select to give your time and energy to.

Loving you means you are demanding

The harder one must work to gain your attention and keep your attention

The more they treasure you.

No love doesn’t have to hurried

You need to be part analyst when it comes to your heart.

You make bad decisions when you get lost in the words of a person.

Get lost in their actions matching their words.

Before you get down in the trenches with someone else in a relationship

Make sure you first get down in the trenches with yourself and make sure you are loving yourself

So that not only can you give the proper love but that you make sure you are receiving the proper love you need as well.



Hennessie Brown

My writing is like a college room meal. I create from whatever I my mind brings forth. Read my Challenge me Article to help in my creative process.