Cliqly Email Marketing: Here Is Everything You Need To Know

Is Cliqly Legit? Read to find out.

Henry Muli
6 min readFeb 4, 2024
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

If you are into the world of online side hustles, you’ve probably heard of Cliqly email marketing.

This website has been gaining a lot of popularity lately as a cool way to make money online. But is Cliqly email marketing legit? And can you actually make money with it?

In this post, we’ll be looking at the ins and outs of Cliqly email marketing and I will give you my honest opinion of the platform since I’ve tried it myself.

Let’s get right into it.

What is Cliqly Email Marketing?

Cliqly is an online platform that supposedly leverages email marketing to generate daily affiliate commissions for its users.

As a member of Cliqly, one typically sends out daily emails to a provided email list and generates income from affiliate link clicks.

How Does Cliqly Email Marketing Work?

There are essentially two main ways that users can make money on Cliqly.

The first is through sending daily emails to earn commissions per click. And the second is through the cliqly email marketing affiliate program. Let’s look at them in detail.

1. Sending Daily Emails

When a new user signs up for Cliqly email marketing, they are offered 5000 subscribers and 500,000 email credits on the Cliqly free trial. These email credits allow you to send out daily emails to your list for the period of the free trial (which is about 5–6 days).

You also don’t send out your own emails. The platform provides pre-written email templates that contain affiliate links in them. All you do is select an email message and send it to your list.

When subscribers click on the affiliate link in your emails, you earn 10 cents per click.

When your free trial runs out after 6 days, you have to buy a paid plan on Cliqly to continue sending emails and earning commissions. There used to be only one upgrade package of $97, but the platform added two more packages recently. Users can now upgrade to either a $97, $197, or $497 package.

Each package reloads your account with different amounts of email credits that allow you to continue sending emails to your list and earning commissions.

Here is the breakdown of the email credits per package.

  • The $97 package - 500,000 Pro credits plus 200,000 list-building credits
  • The $197 package - 1.2 Million Pro credits plus 600,000 list-building credits
  • The $497 package - 5 Million Pro credits plus 3 Million list-building credits

Just to recap, here is how Cliqly email marketing works.

  1. You sign up for Cliqly’s free trial.
  2. You are given 5000 subscribers and 500,000 free email credits plus 200,000 list-building credits. The email credits allow you to send emails to the list, the platform won’t allow you to send emails without them.
  3. Your subscribers open the emails you send and click on the affiliate links in them, earning you $0.10 per click.
  4. When your free trial runs out, you have to buy a paid plan to continue sending emails and making money. There are three paid plans, each with varying amounts of email credits as shown above.

Sending daily emails is the primary way that Cliqly members make money. The second way that users can make money on Cliqly is by referring other members. Let’s now look at their affiliate program in more detail.

2. The Cliqly Email Marketing Affiliate Program

When you sign up and become a member of Cliqly, you are given access to a unique referral link. You can then share this link to invite other people to join Cliqly and earn commissions in the process.

When a user joins Cliqly with your affiliate link and upgrades their account to either of the three packages, Cliqly gives you 100% commission on every sale.

This means that if your referral buys the $497 package, you get the whole $497 credited to your account.

In addition to 100% commissions, you also get to keep 10% of every order your referral makes in their lifetime on the platform.

Now, with these kinds of figures, Cliqly email marketing may seem a little too good to be true. And that’s because it is.

Is Cliqly Email Marketing Legit?

The simple answer is NO. Cliqly is not a reliable platform to make money online.

When I first joined the platform in the last quarter of 2023, Cliqly was doing well. The affiliate clicks were actually making money for users, and people were getting paid.

I made well over $2500 in about three months on Cliqly. My commissions were however mostly from the affiliate program and not from sending the actual emails.

Recently, however, there have been a lot of issues with the Cliqly email marketing website. Clicks no longer generate enough money for people to make a profit with the business.

In addition to the declining clicks, the platform ran into problems with making payments to their members. Thousands, if not tens of thousands, of Cliqly members have a backlog of missing payments with some going back to September of 2023.

While the CEO of Cliqly keeps promising that work is being done to catch up on the late payments, not much is actually being done. Very many people still complain about not being paid, and waiting for their payments for months and months.

Would I recommend Cliqly email marketing as a legit online side hustle?

No. Not right now.

If you join Cliqly right now, you might end up making losses, or worse yet, never seeing a penny of the money you make on the platform.

If you are looking for a legit side hustle that requires minimum work and can easily make you $1000 per month, I suggest you check out this FREE workshop by friends of mine.

What Do Cliqly Email Marketing Reviews Look Like?

As I’ve mentioned, many people report not being paid the money they are owed by Cliqly email marketing. This means the company’s reputation is really not good in 2024.

If you’d like to check out what people are saying about Cliqly, you can review the company’s Trustpilot page here.

You can also join this uncensored FB group where members express their opinions about how Cliqly is doing.

Where To Find Cliqly Email Marketing Login?

If you are looking for Cliqly Email Marketing Login, you can find it by going here…

Cliqly Email Marketing Login

You can also find the free trial sign-up page here. (Although I do not recommend that you join)


While Cliqly email marketing may have been a great way to make money online a few months ago, it certainly is not right now.

The platform has way too many issues that need to be rectified before it can be considered legit. I hope that this detailed review of Cliqly Email Marketing has shed some light on what Cliqly is all about.

Thank you for reading.

This story contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase through my affiliate link, I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. For more information, read my full disclosure here.



Henry Muli

Helping you create wealth from the comfort of your home