The definitive guide to setup my Python workspace
Have you ever focused on a task, but then needed to execute some quick command to move on and it didn’t work because your workspace was a mess?
When this happens you lose your flow and must first solve your tools’ problem, to then work on your original problem.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
That’s why I always try to fine tune my processes to code like a chef, having the right tool available at the right time. Always one command away.
When you’re beginning, it’s pretty easy to setup your Python environment on Unix. But in time things can get messy due to multiple versions, interpreters, utilities and projects.
What are my setup requirements?
I have a few needs and restrictions:
- I need CPython 2.7 and 3.6, but I want to be able to install other interpreters like PyPy and Anaconda;
- Python3 must be the default for EVERYTHING, but easily step back when I need Python2.
- I want one Jupyter Notebook that works both with Python2 and Python3, and both are able to detect the active virtualenv at jupyter notebook execution time.
- I want one iPython Console for Python3 and one iPython Console for Python2, so no need to install iPython on my projects’ virtualenvs.
- I want useful programs written in Python (ex: youtube-dl) globally available on my system without contaminating the global interpreters and avoiding any library version issues.
- I want to use virtualenvwrapper to develop my projects allowing me to change context/project quickly with one command.
- I want this setup to be maintainable without adding too many thing to PATH.
What is the best way to install Python on a Unix?
For me pyenv is the best way to install Python on a Mac or Linux. Everything gets installed under your home directoy, without tampering with the rest of the system. Besides that, it supports many different Python implementation such as PyPy, Anaconda, CPython, etc. All with one command.
First we need to install pyenv and two of its extensions, pyenv-virtualenv and pyenv-virtualenvwrapper. I use each one for different purposes:
- I use pyenv to install Python interpreters;
- I use pyenv-virtualenv to configure my “global environment”;
- I use pyenv-virtualenvwrapper to work on my projects;
Use Homebrew to install pyenv on a Mac. If you use other OS, check out the documentation.
brew install pyenv
brew install pyenv-virtualenv
brew install pyenv-virtualenvwrapper
With virtualenvwrapper all your virtualenvs are kept on a same directory and your projects’ code on another. My setup is:
# All virtualenvs will be on...
mkdir ~/.ve
# All projects will be on...
mkdir ~/workspace
It’s necessary to configure the shell to initialize pyenv when you start a terminal session. Put the lines bellow on your ~/.bashrc file:
export WORKON_HOME=~/.ve
export PROJECT_HOME=~/workspace
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
#pyenv virtualenvwrapper_lazy
- Note that there is a # at the beginning of the last line to keep pyenv-virtualenvwrapper from starting at this first moment. We’ll get back to it later.
- Also note that I did not include the command pyenv virtualenv init in ~/.bashrc unlike the documentation suggests. This is on purpose: activate both extensions causes conflicts.
Now we must restart the terminal session closing its window and opening a new one.
The next step is to install CPython 3.6.0 and CPython 2.7.13.
pyenv install 3.6.0
pyenv install 2.7.13
Resist the temptation to contaminate your global Python install
I frequently use programs written in Python. I like them to be available in all sessions without activate any virtualenv.
However I don’t like to mess with the global Python installation to avoid library conflict issues.
Another thing that I don’t like is installing Jupyter/iPython on each of my projects’ virtualenvs.
I like to have only one install of Jupyter Notebook , one of iPython Console for Python3, one of iPython Console for Python2, and other tools like youtube-dl, rename, gnucash-to-beancount, rows, s3cmd, fabric, mercurial, etc.
This is where pyenv-virtualenv comes to play, with 4 special virtualenvs:
pyenv virtualenv 3.6.0 jupyter3
pyenv virtualenv 3.6.0 tools3
pyenv virtualenv 2.7.13 ipython2
pyenv virtualenv 2.7.13 tools2
Jupyter supports many kernels. This allows a single Jupyter install to create notebooks for Python2, Python3, R, Bash and many other languages. At this time I only want to support Python2 and Python3.
Let’s start with Python3:
pyenv activate jupyter3
pip install jupyter
python -m ipykernel install --user
pyenv deactivate
Then Python2:
pyenv activate ipython2
pip install ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user
pyenv deactivate
Note that when I install Jupyter on Python3 it will by default install iPython and the Kernel too. For Python2 I only need to install iPython and the Kernel. I’ll explain this better bellow.
Now let’s install tools which run on Python3:
pyenv activate tools3
pip install youtube-dl gnucash-to-beancount rows
pyenv deactivate
Now we install tools which do not run on Python3… but still run on Python2.
pyenv activate tools2
pip install rename s3cmd fabric mercurial
pyenv deactivate
Finally, it’s time to make all Python versions and special virtualenvs work with each other.
pyenv global 3.6.0 2.7.13 jupyter3 ipython2 tools3 tools2
The above command establishes the PATH priority so scripts can be accessed in the right order without activating any virtualenv.
To better understand the result, check out how the shell finds each command:
~$ pyenv which python
~$ pyenv which python2
~$ pyenv which jupyter
~$ pyenv which ipython
~$ pyenv which ipython2
~$ pyenv which youtube-dl
~$ pyenv which rename
What about my projects’ virtualenvs?
I use pyenv-virtualenvwrapper to create my projects’ virtualenvs. This extension does very little: only fixes the virtualenvwrapper library to work correctly with the interpreters installed via pyenv.
Now uncomment the line #pyenv virtualenvwrapper_lazy on your ~/.bashrc and restart the terminal, closing its window and opening a new one.
When you start the new session pyenv-virtualenvwrapper will install the virtualenvwrapper’s dependencies if they’re not present.
Now you can simply use virtualenvwrapper’s commands and each virtualenv will be created using the Python interpreters installed via pyenv.
A few examples:
- Say I want to start a new project proj3 with Python3. Running mkproject proj3 will create a virtualenv with Python3 (default) at ~/.ve/proj3 and an empty project directory at ~/workspace/proj3 .
- Now say I just opened the terminal and want to work on my new proj3. Running workon proj3 will activate the virtualenv ~/.ve/proj3 and change the current directory to ~/workspace/proj3.
- Let’s say I just cloned a project called proj2 which runs on Python2 at ~/workspace/proj2 and I need a virtualenv to work on it. Running mkvirtualenv -a ~/workspace/proj2 -p python2 proj2 will create a virtualenv with Python2 at ~/.ve/proj2 associating to it the project directory ~/workspace/proj2. Then running workon proj2 will activate the virtualenv and change the directory to the project’s path.
How to use Jupyter and iPython with my projects?
This was the main motivation to write this guide.
Both Notebook and Console were part of the iPython project, which, as the name suggests, were only about Python. But the Notebook evolution enabled it to become language agnostic, so developers decided to split the project in 2: Jupyter and iPython
Now Jupyter contains Notebook, while iPython contains Console and the Python Kernel which Jupyter uses to execute Python code.
I used to use an old iPython version and during a clumsy upgrade Jupyter stopped detecting the active virtualenv, so I couldn’t import its installed libraries.
Actually, Jupyter does not detect the active virtualenv: it’s the iPython instance which Jupyter initializes. The problem then is that iPython’s virtualenv detection code only runs in the interactive shell mode, but not in the kernel mode. Check out the culprit.
Besides that the detection code only works properly if the active virtualenv’s Python version and the Python version running iPython are the same.
The solution is to customize iPython’s startup process. For that we need to create an iPython profile and install a magic script I wrote to do the trick:
ipython profile create
curl -L > ~/.ipython/profile_default/startup/
With this, no matter the mode iPython starts, the virtualenv’s site-packages will be available in the PYTHONPATH.
Back to our proj3, after activating its virtualenv running workon proj3, you can simply execute ipython to run the interactive mode, or jupyter notebook to get all the fun.
Done. Now we’re set. Let’s hack! ^‿^
[]’s, HB!