Groove Is in the Heart

The primal, adaptable power of dance

henry alford
8 min readJun 11, 2018
Photo: Fin Costello/Redferns/Getty Images

Can you remember the first time you ever danced? Most of us cannot.

I mean, it’s entirely possible that you or I boogied down while we were still in the womb, as Isadora Duncan claimed she did, maybe gently roiling our mother’s amniotic fluid with a tiny, Fosse-esque shoulder isolation.

Or maybe it was more high-minded. Maybe, like Fred Astaire, we speculatively put on a pair of ballet slippers at age four to kill time while waiting for our irritatingly talented older sister to finish her dance class.

Or maybe we used a gardening implement to stun a small visitor — as Twyla Tharp did a rattlesnake at 11 or so, creating what she considers her first “dance” — and thus yielded a densely layered critique of man’s effort to achieve dominance in the face of unnecessary slithering.

But it’s all a little hazy.

However, I can remember the first time that I actively enjoyed dancing. Come with me now to suburban Worcester, Massachusetts, to a sunshiny Saturday afternoon in 1975. Behold my 13-year-old self, all boyish enthusiasm and buckteeth as I whiz past you on the street; savor the utter awesomeness of my bright orange Schwinn and its Naugahyde banana seat. That single bead of sweat on my brow? It may not be purely the result…



henry alford

Henry Alford is the author of And Then We Danced. He has written for the New Yorker, Vanity Fair, and the New York Times for two decades.