3 Benefits of ESAs for the Elderly People

Henry Cooper
2 min readDec 19, 2019


When it comes to having an emotional support animal, there is no age limit for it. A child as well as an elderly could have an ESA for a number of reasons. Elderly people usually suffer from isolation and loneliness.

This exposes them to a number of mental disabilities like depression, stress, anxiety and PTSD. All of these symptoms could be managed with the help of a loving dog or any other ESA.

Among all the emotional support animals, dogs remain a favorite and the best thing is that an emotional support dog letter is quite enough to live and travel with it. How does an ESA benefit elderly people? Read on.

Why do you need a legitimate ESA Letter for your ESA

1. Companionship

Isolation and loneliness is the most common cause of mental disabilities in the elderly people. There are some ones who get to live with their spouse for a longer time while there are many in which one of the spouses is left to live alone.

In such a case, elderly people may experience depression. However, getting and ESA could help them with this depression and provide the needed companionship to them.

2. Sense of Purpose and Responsibility

Elderly people are mostly retired and do not have any activities. This leads them to believe that there is no purpose in their lives and they are dependent on others for everything. They feel that there is no purpose in their lives and are depressed about it.

An ESA dog or cat can help with this feeling of worthlessness and make the elderly feel needed. Having someone dependent on you for food and wellbeing makes them feel important and needed.

3. Healthy Activity

Limited mobility is also common in elderly people. They get tired quickly and many of them suffer from arthritis that further limits this activity. Animals like cats and dogs need some form of physical activity to stay fit and healthy.

A dog will need its dose of daily walks while a cat will also need some mild indoor play and activities to stay fit and maintain a healthy weight.

Get ESA Letter for housing as soon as possible from an authentic website to secure your ESA.



Henry Cooper

An AI research analyst and blogger. Utilizing my experience so that AI and human capabilities can complement each other.