Care For ESA Dogs in Winters

Henry Cooper
2 min readDec 18, 2019


Winters are here and just like you, your dog also needs a fair amount of protection and preparation. Even the most ‘furry’ of the creatures need at least some form of protection to survive the icy cold winters.

We know that you have have struggled really hard to live and travel with your dog and this is why we want you to make sure that your furry friend is well prepared to face the harsh weather. However, if you are in the process of getting the letter, make sure that you have checked an emotional support animal letter to be sure of what you will get.

As for your beloved Coco, following are some great winter care tips for your dog.

1. Keep an Eye on the Weather

Always keep an eye on the weather. Ending up in the middle of a storm when all you have planned for is a walk or are just staying at home. Keep a close eye on the weather updates and be ready to counter any kind of sudden cold.

2. Brush its Coat and Trim its Paws

Your dog’s coat and paws are likely to catch the small bits of ice and snow while the paw nails could get some roadside antifrost and other chemicals that have been put there to melt the ice. Brush Coco’s coat regularly and especially after coming home from an outside session and wash its paws to get rid of any toxic substances.

3. Get a Nose and Paw Balm

Winters bring dry skin and dry skin causes irritation. This is true for Coco as well. The exposed nose and paws are especially sensitive and susceptible to irritation. Use a special balm to protect it in the winters. Try to find an all natural balm that will keep the nose and paws moist and well protected from the chemicals.

4. Work on Coco’s Immunity

Just like us, your dog’s immune system must also be in peak condition to function properly. Talk to the veterinarian and make a diet plan that is rich in nutrients. Additionally, give suitable supplements and vitamins to keep flu, cough and fever at bay.

5. Get Winter Accessories like Warm Dog Clothes, Goggles and Boots

Coco needs warm clothes too. Fluffy or not so fluffy, dogs and cats need something that could keep them warm and comfortable. Get a Kuoser Cozy Jacket to keep it warm; the jacket is waterproof and windproof and is great to lock in the body heat. Likewise, to protect your dog’s paws and eyes, get some doggie boots and goggles for a cool and protected look.

If you have Dog as an ESA then you free emotional support support animal letter from legitimate online website.



Henry Cooper

An AI research analyst and blogger. Utilizing my experience so that AI and human capabilities can complement each other.