curl of your fingers

a tactile love story

Henry He
One Minute Musings
1 min readFeb 4, 2016


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

when we are born
a slithery warm mess
we reach out and grasp our parents’ fingers

there's something about the way they curl

hanging on a monkey bar
turning a door handle
clutching a bouquet of flowers
scratching my belly
making a
thumbs up sign

whenever I see a fire alarm
I imagine the pull
one simple twitch at the knuckle

good thing I am patient

because I could stay here forever
my fingertips resting on your cheek
slowly curling inward

my other hand in yours



Henry He
One Minute Musings

MD candidate and lover of stories. Writing about medicine, humanity, and the beautiful intersections between. My corner of the web: