How to Hack the TikTok Algorithm to Improve Completion Retention Rate with Looping Videos

How to Hack the TikTok Algorithm to Improve Completion Retention Rate with Looping Videos

Henry Ton
2 min readJan 18, 2020


We focus on how to improve the video’s completion or retention rate which is the biggest factor in the TikTok algorithm to get your video to go viral.

The goal is to create content that keeps the viewer’s attention so they will watch the video to the end and perhaps multiple times which will increase the overall average completion rate.

One of the best strategies to achieve this goal is to make a video that has a seamless loop.

Completion Rate Role in TikTok Algorithm

How to Hack the TikTok Algorithm to Improve Completion Retention Rate with Looping Videos

Completion Ration (video’s retention rate) is the most important metric in the “Performance Rating”. It is the percentage of the video watched, and it is the most heavily weighted factor in determining if the content gets pushed to another batch of viewers.

This is how it is determined: if viewers watched half of the video, the ratio is 50%, and if watched entirely, it will be 100% but could be higher if watched repeatedly. The longer the video is watched, the better this ratio is.

Here is our YouTube video that go over 10 perfect examples of the seamless loop that range from clever editing to well-crafted dialogue skits.

