Scientific Racism, IQ and the Bell Curve, some readings

2 min readFeb 14, 2018


In conversation earlier this week, I casually mentioned that IQ tests aren’t a pure measure of intelligence and have been used in more modern forms of scientific racism, but when pressed, I didn’t have a set of sources nor the time to review the literature behind it and its essentialist racist application by Charles Murray in his book The Bell Curve and Richard Linn in The Global Bell Curve.

IQ tests themselves aren’t necessarily racist, sexist, or classist by overt design, but they aren’t good at measuring intelligence either. However, they’ve been used as the basis of a lot of scientific racism and racially charged policy.

Here are just some primers to get you started on the subject. Think of these readings as the start of the conversation on this topic.

I heartily welcome additional resources that add to the discussion.

On what IQ tests actually measure:

On how IQ tests have been used as a support for scientific racism

On the resurgence of IQ Tests used to undergird racism

Bios of Charles Murray and Richard Lynn at the Southern Poverty Law Center




🍞, 🌹s , 🏞️s, & 🌊s. Assistant Professor of Phi & Rel St. @ a teaching college. Transparency. Empathy. Solidarity.