Henry Jekyll
1 min readJan 27, 2017


This isn’t poetry, unless you take a broad view of “poetry.” It is the same old anti-white crap-and-nonsense, though with a flair for words.

I’m a white guy (you could probably guess). I’ve lived in very integrated places much of my life, and it was good. I had black school teachers as far back as junior high school, and it was good. I lived in a majority-black area in a mixed residential neighborhood. It was good. I was even on the HOA board, elected by my neighbors. I lived in a majority-black city in a majority-black county in Maryland, and it was good. I moved to a majority minority community in northern Virginia, and it was just fine. I even got on the HOA board again, to pull my weight.

But I wouldn’t want to live on the same street as Joel Leon, because what I never experienced from my African American neighbors and friends I get from his writings: hatefulness.

