What If India Won the World Cup? A Look at the Potential Consequences

3 min readDec 25, 2022
India’s World Cup dream becomes a reality

It is a scenario that seems almost unimaginable: India, a nation not widely renowned for its football prowess, hoisting the trophy at the FIFA World Cup.

But what if it had come to pass?

What if, in 2022, the Indian national team somehow managed to defeat some of the world’s most formidable teams and secure the ultimate prize in football?

The impact on India would have been incalculable. As the world’s second-most populous nation, with over 1.3 billion people, a World Cup victory would have been a source of unprecedented national pride and celebration. The streets would have been awash with jubilant fans reveling in their team’s triumph. It would have been a moment that would have etched itself indelibly into the annals of history and one that would have been remembered for generations.

But the implications of an Indian World Cup win would have extended far beyond the country’s borders. It would have sent shockwaves through the football world and could have had far-reaching consequences for the sport globally.

For one, there would likely have been a sudden upsurge of interest in football in India. While the country has a long tradition of playing and following the sport, it has never reached the same level of popularity as cricket.

However, a World Cup win would have changed all of that, with millions of people suddenly eager to learn more about football and get involved in the game. This increased interest could have led to a proliferation of football fans in India and an uptick in the number of people participating in the sport at all levels.

The success of the Indian national team at the World Cup could also have had a salutary effect on the development of the sport within the country. With a greater interest in football and a higher level of funding and support, it is possible that there would have been an increase in the number of professional leagues and clubs in India, as well as the development of better facilities and infrastructure for the sport. This could have provided more opportunities for talented players to showcase their skills and pursue careers in football.

On a global scale, an Indian World Cup win would have been a significant upset and could have altered the way the sport is perceived.

It would have challenged the traditional football powers and demonstrated that any team, regardless of its history or resources, has the potential to succeed on the world stage. This could have encouraged more countries and teams to take football seriously and invest in the development of the sport, resulting in a more competitive and diverse landscape at the international level.

An Indian World Cup win could also have had economic ramifications for the country. The national team’s success at the World Cup could have attracted increased investment in football and related industries, such as sportswear and merchandise. This could have benefited the Indian economy as businesses and sponsors looked to capitalize on the growing popularity of the sport.

In addition, a World Cup win could have had positive social and cultural consequences for India. The national team’s success could have brought people together, fostering a sense of national pride and unity. It could have also inspired more young people to get involved in football and pursue their dreams of becoming professional players.

It is difficult to predict precisely what the long-term effects of an Indian World Cup win would have been. But one thing is certain: it would have been a historical moment, one that would have had a lasting impact on the nation and the world of football.

As we ponder this hypothetical scenario, it is important to remember that the actual outcome of the 2022 World Cup was very different. However, it is always intriguing to consider the potential consequences of events that did not occur. And who knows — perhaps one day, India will achieve the impossible and win the FIFA World Cup.




When Henry's not pondering alternate realities, you'll find him playing chess or teaching stand-up comedy to his dog. Follow for absurdity and entertainment!