Pinterest: Pin Clicks and Impressions- What Do They Mean To You?

2 min readDec 18, 2023

In the context of Pinterest, “Pin clicks” and “impressions” are two important metrics that help measure the performance and reach of your Pins.

Pin Clicks:

Definition: Pin clicks refer to the number of times users click on your Pin to view the associated content, such as a blog post, product page, or website.

Significance: Pin clicks are a crucial metric because they indicate user engagement and interest in your content. Higher Pin clicks suggest that your Pin is compelling and encourages users to explore more about the content you’ve shared.


Definition: Impressions represent the total number of times your Pin is displayed on Pinterest, regardless of whether users interact with it or not. Each time your Pin appears on someone’s feed, search results, or in recommendations, it counts as an impression.

Significance: Impressions give you an idea of the overall visibility and reach of your Pin. A higher number of impressions suggests that your Pin is being seen by a larger audience. However, it’s important to note that impressions alone don’t indicate user engagement; they simply reflect the number of times your Pin has been shown.

Understanding the relationship between Pin clicks and impressions can provide insights into the effectiveness of your Pinterest strategy. For example:

High Clicks, Low Impressions: Indicates that your Pin is resonating well with the audience, even though it might not be shown to a large number of people. This could be a positive sign if your goal is to drive traffic or conversions.

High Impressions, Low Clicks: Suggests that your Pin is getting a lot of visibility, but users may not find the content compelling enough to click through. In this case, you may want to optimize your Pin’s design or description to encourage more clicks.

Monitoring both Pin clicks and impressions allows you to refine your Pinterest marketing strategy, create more engaging content, and ultimately drive the desired actions from your audience to you.

