Reinforcement Learning using Asynchronous Advantage Actor Critic

Henry Mao
4 min readJan 24, 2017


In my research, I stumbled upon an effective learning method called Asynchronous Advantage Actor Critic (A3C) published by DeepMind. This algorithm beats the famous DQN by quite a margin and also seems to yield more stable results. I wanted to give a high level explanation in this post of how the algorithm works, hopefully inspiring more people to apply it in their projects. If you’re interested in the code, I implemented the algorithm using Tensorflow and Keras inspired by this Medium article. The library is compatible with OpenAI’s Gym API.

Actor Critic Models

Before we dive into the asynchronous part, I’d like to explain Actor-Critic (AC) learning models. In a reinforcement learning problem, an agent exists in some state s and tries to choose an action a to maximize its discounted future rewards.

The AC agent is comprised of an actor and a critic. The actor attempts to learn a policy π(s) (AKA the rule that the agent follows) by receiving feedback from a critic. The critic learns a value function V(s) (the expected return in rewards), which is used to determine how advantageous it is to be in a particular state. The advantage is defined as A(s) = Q(s, a)-V(s). In practice, we don’t want to compute Q(s, a). Instead, we formulate an estimate of the advantage function as A(s) = r+γV(s’) - V(s), where r is the current reward and γ is the discount factor. This achieves the same result without needing to learn the Q function. An even more effective method would be to use a generalized advantage function.

Objective Functions

Looking at the actor-critic agent from a neural network perspective, we would give the agent two outputs: value and policy. The value output predicts a scalar that learns the value function V(s). The policy output π(s) (softmax activation) is a vector that represents a probability distribution over the actions. We pick the action non-deterministically by sampling from this probability distribution. We denote π(a | s) as the probability of the sampled action a given state s.

We arrive at the following loss functions (we want to minimize these). R represents the discounted future reward (R = r+γV(s’)).

Value Loss: L = Σ(R - V(s))² (Sum Squared Error)

Policy Loss: L = -log(π(a | s)) * A(s)

But not so fast! While the loss functions above would work, it is better to introduce the entropy H(π) to the equation.

H(π)=-Σ(P(x) log(P(x))

Entropy is a measure of how spread out the probabilities are. The higher the entropy, the more similar each action’s probability will be, which makes the agent more uncertain about which action to choose. Entropy can be added to the loss function to encourage exploration by preventing the agent from being too decisive and converging at local optima.

Policy Loss: L = -log(π(a | s)) * A(s) - β*H(π)

When we combine the two loss functions, we get the loss function for the model overall:

L = 0.5 * Σ(R — V(s))² - log(π(a | s)) * A(s) - β*H(π)

Notice that the loss for value is set to 50% to make policy learning faster than value learning. For more information on the derivations of these loss functions, I recommend watching David Silver’s RL lecture videos. With that, we can train our AC agent!


The cool part about A3C is the first A — asynchronous. DeepMind’s paper showed that by introducing asynchronous training, we can reduce the correlation between episodes, improving various methods of learning including Q-learning (better data efficiency). It is also a more efficient use of multi-core CPUs, allowing us to train agents to do quite amazing things with just a laptop.

A3C works by spawning minion AC agents, each performing actions in their own separate environments and updating the master neural network after a certain amount of actions have been taken. The individual agents sync their weights with the master network after every gradient update.

Image result for async actor critic network
An efficient architecture for A3C, where the policy and value output share the main network.

That’s it for a high level overview of A3C. If you’re interested in checking out a detailed implementation of the algorithm, be sure to check out my Github repository and a great Medium article on its implementation.

I’ll be following up on this post next week on how I applied A3C for the game Relay for level generation - that’s the cool part! Feel free to leave me suggestions in the comment section!



Henry Mao

Entrepreneur, Deep Learning Researcher. Founder of Altum Inc and Calclavia.