Best Gym Cleaning Checklist in 2024| All-Ways Green Services | Oakland

Henry Robert - Cleaning Advisor
6 min readFeb 27, 2024



Keeping your gym clean should be a top priority, as a dirty gym can negatively impact member health, satisfaction, and retention. Proper cleaning and disinfection helps reduce the spread of germs that cause illness and infection.

With people sweating, breathing heavily, and sharing equipment in close quarters, gyms are prone to the quick transmission of bacteria, viruses, and fungal infections.

A clean facility demonstrates that you care about your members’ well-being. It also projects a professional image that boosts member confidence in your staff and services. Implementing a regular, thorough cleaning checklist removes dust, dirt, fluids, and grime that build up daily. It protects against contamination from body oils, sweat, and airborne allergens.

Just as importantly, a consistent cleaning protocol protects your equipment from damage caused by dirt, spills, and moisture. With high traffic and constant use, gym equipment is subjected to plenty of wear and tear. Regular cleaning keeps it working properly and extends its usable lifespan.

The cleaning checklist provided here aims to help gym owners maintain top health standards, deliver a positive member experience, and protect their business investment.

Disinfect Equipment

Disinfecting equipment is one of the most important parts of cleaning a gym. All equipment surfaces that members touch should be thoroughly disinfected to prevent the spread of germs.

Focus on disinfecting handles, seats, pads, and grips on machines such as:

- Cardio machines — Wipe down handles, touch screens, buttons, and rails

- Resistance machines — Disinfect pads, handles, pins, belts, and pulleys

- Free weights — Clean handles of dumbbells, barbells, and weight plates

- Other equipment — Disinfect kettlebells, slam balls, ropes, TRX straps, and more

Use disinfectant wipes or spray approved for use on fitness equipment. Check with the equipment manufacturer for proper cleaning methods.

Allow the disinfectant to sit for the required contact time before wiping dry for maximum effectiveness.

Disinfecting high touch areas helps provide members with a clean workout environment. Consistent disinfection can also extend the life of gym equipment by removing corrosive sweat and dirt buildup.

Clean Floors

Floors are one of the most germ-ridden areas of a gym and require thorough cleaning and disinfecting daily. Start by thoroughly sweeping floors to remove any dirt, debris, hair, etc. Make sure to get into corners and under equipment.

Use a microfiber mop and bucket with a multi-surface disinfectant cleaner to mop floors. Allow the floors to fully air dry after mopping. Pay special attention to high-touch areas like under workout equipment and machines.

Mop these areas more frequently. Look for any spills or stains and spot clean as needed. Having clean floors free of mess, dirt, and germs is essential for a sanitary gym environment.

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Gym Cleaning Checklist in 2024

Sanitize Bathrooms

Keeping your gym bathrooms clean should be a top priority. Bathrooms harbor a lot of germs and bacteria that can cause illnesses. Be sure to thoroughly disinfect all surfaces in the bathroom.

Focus on sinks, toilets and showers in particular. Scrub sinks and use a disinfectant cleaner. Make sure to scrub around the faucet, handles, and drain area.

For toilets, flush them first and then scrub the toilet seat, bowl, handle, and base. Use a toilet wand and toilet bowl cleaner to sanitize the bowl and under the rim.

Showers also need disinfecting. Spray shower walls, floors, doors and handles. Use a scrub brush or sponge to remove any built up grime or soap scum. Rinse thoroughly after disinfecting.

Pay close attention to high touch areas like flush handles, faucets, dispensers, doors and handles. Wipe them down with disinfectant.

Taking the time to thoroughly clean the gym bathrooms will help remove germs and keep members healthy.

Restock Supplies

It’s essential to check and restock supplies around the gym regularly as part of the cleaning routine. You’ll want to pay close attention to the bathrooms, locker rooms, and exercise areas to ensure there are enough clean towels, soap, toilet paper, sanitizing wipes, and other necessities on hand for members.

Be sure to refill dispensers or stock shelves with:

- Soap — Check that soap dispensers in bathrooms and locker rooms have adequate soap levels. Refill any dispensers that are running low.

- Toilet paper — Ensure each toilet stall has a full roll of toilet paper. Replace empty rolls right away.

- Paper towels — Refill paper towel dispensers when they start to run low. Members rely on paper towels to dry their hands and wipe down equipment.

- Sanitizing wipes — Keep the gym stocked with antibacterial wipes for cleaning equipment. Position wipe dispensers in visible spots around workout areas. Monitor to refill before they’re empty.

- Other supplies — Take note of any other supplies that need restocking, like tissues, feminine hygiene products, or cleaning solutions.

By staying on top of refilling and restocking key supplies, the gym will maintain a clean, fully-stocked appearance for members. They’ll appreciate that necessities like soap and toilet paper are readily available when working out.

Empty Trash

One of the most important daily cleaning tasks at a gym is emptying the trash and replacing trash bags. Start by collecting all garbage bins around the facility, including in the locker rooms, bathrooms, studios, gym floor, lobby, offices, etc.

Remove any garbage or debris, being sure to check for sharp objects or hazardous waste. Tie up the trash bags and dispose of them properly. Replace with new, clean trash bags in each bin.

For a high-traffic gym, trash will accumulate quickly throughout the day. Schedule multiple trash runs instead of just one large effort at closing time.

This keeps the gym tidy for members during business hours. Consider placing more frequent trash bins around the gym floor and other high-traffic areas.

Look for overflowing bins and change those bags first. Make note of any new trash or recycling stations needed in certain spots to prevent messes.

Proper trash removal is an important task that keeps a gym sanitary for patrons. By frequently emptying bins and replacing bags, staff can help maintain a clean, welcoming environment. Trash removal may seem minor, but it makes a major difference in the cleanliness of any fitness facility.

Dust Surfaces

Be sure to wipe down all shelves, mirrors, windows, and other surfaces in the gym to remove dust and dirt buildup. Use a microfiber cloth dampened with an all-purpose cleaner to thoroughly clean each surface. Pay close attention to:

- Mirrors in workout areas — Dust can accumulate in the corners and edges. Wipe down the entire mirror and mirror frame.

- Windows — Clean both sides, including window sills and frames. This helps maximize natural light.

- Wall shelves — Carefully remove any items and give shelves a thorough wipe down. Don’t forget the undersides.

- Display shelves — Gym merchandise can collect dust. Carefully dust each item before returning it to the shelf.

- Front desk surfaces — Wipe down the front counter, computer monitors, phones, and any shelving areas.

- Other flat surfaces — Give tabletops, ledges, file cabinets, and anything else with a flat surface a thorough wipe down.

Getting into all the nooks and crannies while dusting helps give the gym a polished, clean appearance. Proper and regular dusting also cuts down on allergen buildup in the gym over time.

Clean Glass

Use a glass cleaner like Windex to wipe down all glass surfaces including mirrors, windows, glass walls, and glass doors. Be sure to use lint-free paper towels or microfiber cloths. Avoid using the same cloth for mirrors and windows — keep separate cloths to prevent streaks and smudges.

Spray the glass cleaner directly onto the lint-free paper towel or microfiber cloth. Do not spray it directly onto the glass surfaces.

Wipe in an S-pattern motion and flip to a dry side of the cloth frequently. Buff dry any wet streaks for a sparkling shine.

Inspect closely for any missed spots or streaks. Pay extra attention to edges, corners, and frames.

For extra dirty glass, use a razor blade scraper followed by glass cleaner to remove stuck-on grime and buildup. Be very gentle with the razor to avoid scratching.

Replace squeegee blades regularly to prevent streaking.

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Maintaining a clean gym is crucial for the health and safety of members as well as the longevity of equipment.

Establishing a daily cleaning routine ensures that workout areas, equipment, restrooms, and other facilities are properly disinfected, stocked, and well-functioning.

While cleaning a gym may seem like a mundane task, it directly impacts the member experience.

When done consistently, a thorough cleaning routine promotes good hygiene, reduces hazards, and creates an inviting environment that members want to return to each day.

Members are more likely to work out longer and more frequently at a spotless gym they can trust is clean.

For gym owners and staff, making gym cleanliness a priority also demonstrates a commitment to service excellence.

When staff consistently follow cleaning best practices, members feel valued knowing their health is protected.

A clean, well-run gym earns member loyalty and retention while also attracting new members through positive word of mouth.

