Search Engine Marketing Companies in USA

Henry Walsh
4 min readOct 6, 2018


Search Engine Marketing is the dark knight of content marketing. No, not because many agencies are involved in deploying black hat tactics to gain dubious results for their clients but because it’s utility is always debated and questioned. Even though it essentially forms the backbone of any successful content marketing strategy, yet SEO agencies have to face a lot of resistance from the client side and have to answer questions which range from awkward to borderline embarrassing.

SEO [Search Engine Optimization]

We are going to underline some common issues and try to dispel the myths associated with hiring an agency to do the SEO work for your organization. In the end we will share a few anecdotes with you on how to hire SEO agency for your business.

The first and foremost dilemma any entrepreneur has is that what additional benefits an agency would bring to the table. Since most of them are already aware of SEO basics and fundamentals. A typical conversation about hiring an agency proceeds somewhat like this…

“Well, I too know how to do keyword research…”

Keyword Research for SEO

First of all, SEO comes across as a simple tactic which can be understood and executed by anyone. Right? Well, yes and no…

Yes the fundamental principles used in SEO [Search Engine Optimization]are very simple and their implications on your content’s visibility are quite direct. Having said that the efforts to keep the momentum going and the complex inner workings of SEO makes it difficult to execute it at all levels. Google has the habit of coming up with numerous updates and occasionally it does bring upheaval in the system with some major shifts. You simply can’t be prepared for everything Google throws at you.

“Well, I know couple of tools which can help the situation…”

True, and it is always good to have a grip over couple of SEO tools which can let you have a overview of your SEO status and how it is helping your business grow. But in order to utilize their full potential, you will have to dig more deeper to get detailed insights. Most of the SEO agencies have subscribed to expensive softwares and tools which help them do extensive research and collect numerous data points.

“So where should I begin with…?”

Well its not an easy question to answer, at-least without answering multiple questions that you should be first asking yourself.

For example, how much (budget) are you willing to spend on SEO activities? Can you simply hire an in-house person or build a team or you would prefer to hire a professional agency? If at all you want an agency should they be local or you are fine with a remote agency? Do you have the necessary resources who can work on the changes given by your SEO agency? These are just few of the questions you should ponder on before taking a call on whether to hire an SEO agency.

Once you have made up your mind about going ahead with an agency, you should be able to zero down on at-least three agencies to choose from. To begin with you can ask people from your own references and professional network. This way you will be able to get genuine feedback on the work rather than relying on agency’s word. You might also check with other digital agencies who don’t share the same domain for references. They might come really handy in introducing you to good SEO agencies.

A word of caution: stay away from dealing with any agency which claims to bring you on page 1 in days for couple of thousand dollars. That’s pure star dust. No genuine agency would ever promise you on those lines. In fact that’s a wrong conversation altogether. Any good SEO agency would like to talk in terms of specific goals which drive sales and bring brand visibility to the forefront.

Without much further ado, here’s the list of Top 10 agencies which are doing some awesome SEO for their clients.

  1. Digital Marketing Agency (What a name!)
  2. Higher Visibility
  3. OuterBox
  4. VJG Interactive
  5. Ignite Digital Inc.
  6. QeRetail
  7. Boostability
  8. Ignite Visibility
  9. Prime Visibility
  10. Thrive Internet Marketing

Check them out and do let us know if you know other agencies doing great SEO.

