Sherly Henry
Jul 14, 2022


Thank you, Ev. As you are about to embark on a new journey, I am now learning about who you are as a new writer. But thank you for building medium, a writing platform that truly inspire so many of us old and new writers with many positive opportunities to share our deep thoughts and informative ideas that we can share with others and bring encouragement for upcoming writers. As a new writer I am glad to start my writing journey on a platform that helps me be myself as well as sharing it with the medium community.

May you embark on a new journey with peace, joy, and a new insight for building a better future for many. Good luck and congrats to the new CEO. Tony Stubblebine



Sherly Henry

Hey Friends. From BK, A Mom, Freelancer, writer. I write about Black motherhood, Introversion, Personal growth & Healing. Let my journey inspire yours.