Henry WC
1 min readJun 28, 2017


Main problem was Melo and KP beef with Phil. Phil has never disrespected or trashed either players. Phil called Melo a great and hall of fame player while calling KP a special talent, a unicorn and working hard, all the time KP refuses and cut off communication with Knicks very publicly, pretty much acting as a diva already. He did say that Melo is better off somewhere else, this is true, everyone feels this way but the way he said it so publicly was dumb and everyone makes it out to be way worse than it is.

Phil is the one who gave Melo that huge long-term contract with a no trade clause, at least he admits he made a huge and dumb mistake. KP was drafted by Phil. Yes Knicks have been bad but they have same record as t’wolves they are not as terrible as everyone makes it out to be. This was a power struggle with Melo and Kp using all their contacts in the media to push him out. I just don’t respect what they did here making a small conflict out to be huge, dramatic deal and stabbing the back of the person who pays you big time and drafted you. I don’t think Phil is good GM, even though I don’t support him I will defend him in this situation.

