Toastmasters Journey Series(TJS): Day 22

Taking Leadership Positions

Hephzibah U. Emereole
2 min readJul 8, 2024

Welcome to Day 22 of the Toastmasters Journey Series! Today, we will explore the theme of “Taking Leadership Positions.”

When I first joined Toastmasters a few years ago, my primary goal was to improve my public speaking. However, taking on leadership positions opened up to me a whole new world of opportunities for personal and professional growth. The first leadership role I served in was Vice President Membership for my Toastmasters club. I have realised that joining Toastmasters is not just about honing your public speaking skills; it’s also about developing your leadership abilities. Taking on leadership roles within the Toastmasters community can significantly impact your personal and professional growth.

Why Take on Leadership Positions?

1. Develop Leadership Skills: this is important because it enhances:

  • Practical Experience: Leadership roles in Toastmasters provide hands-on experience in managing teams, organizing events, and leading meetings. These experiences are invaluable in both personal and professional contexts.
  • Decision Making: As a leader, you’ll make important decisions that affect your club. This helps in enhancing your decision-making skills.
  • Strategic Planning: Leading a club involves setting goals and creating plans to achieve them, teaching you how to think strategically.

2. Enhance Public Speaking: this is achieved through

  • Frequent Speaking Opportunities: Leaders often speak at meetings and events, providing more opportunities to practice and refine your public speaking skills.
  • Mentoring and Coaching: As a leader, you’ll mentor other members, which improves your own communication and coaching abilities.

3. Build Confidence:

  • Overcoming Challenges: Leading a group involves overcoming various challenges, which builds resilience and confidence.
  • Public Recognition: Being in a leadership position gives you visibility and recognition, boosting your self-esteem.

4. Expand Your Network:

  • Connect with Leaders: Leadership roles allow you to interact with other leaders within the Toastmasters community and beyond.
  • Professional Relationships: These connections can lead to valuable professional relationships and opportunities.

5. Personal Growth:

  • Stepping Out of Comfort Zone: Taking on leadership roles pushes you out of your comfort zone, fostering personal growth.
  • Self-Reflection: Leadership roles encourage self-reflection and continuous self-improvement.

Embracing leadership roles has enriched my life, and I encourage every Toastmaster to seize these opportunities for their own growth. Thank you for joining me on Day 22 of the Toastmasters Journey Series. See you tomorrow for more insights and tips!

#ToastmastersJourney #Day22 #Leadership #PersonalGrowth #PublicSpeaking #EffectiveCommunication #StepOutOfComfortZone

