5 Christian books to read in 2023

Hepza Hart
5 min readNov 22, 2022


Or Anytime !!!

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Have you been pondering the question, “What Christian books to read? or best Christian books to read to grow your relationship with God or where to get started as a new Christian?

If yes, then this post will be your answer.

The Bible urges us to work out our salvation in order to grow and mature spiritually.

I am also one of those Christians who believed that if I ever made a mistake or had a weakness God would stop loving me and there is no way to get back into his embrace.

Yet the truth was far away from that. I’ve learned neither life nor death can separate me from the love of God.

Many key resources helped me to obtain that level of understanding and to strengthen my faith. From that treasury, some of the books are listed here.

Go on, keep scrolling.

1. Purpose Driven Life — Rick Warren

“What on earth I am here for?” Let’s keep it a hundred. At least once in your life, you asked this question to yourself or others, or the creator himself.

In this book, Rick Warren unravels the mystery of the purpose of our lives as Christ’s followers.

He deciphers the simple yet fundamental steps to grow closer in your relationship with God and fellow humans, one day at a time.

What God wants most from you is,relationship ~ Rick Warren

It’s a 40-day study — one chapter at a time.

You can keep your pace as slow as you want because some chapters are deep in the way they practically help you understand God’s plan for your life.

One thing I can assure you is that you won’t see God the same way after you finish this book.

2. What happens when women walk in Faith ~ Lysa TerKeurst

Lysa talks about how “Trusting God takes you to amazing places” in this book.

With the narration of real-life events from her own life and a sprinkle of stories about her personal encounters with God, this amazing book will let you experience faith in the first person.

It comes with a bible study which is an added perk to dive deep into your daily devotion.

3. Mere Christianity ~ C.S. Lewis

This is the penmanship of the incredible author of the Chronicles of Narnia.

Clive Staples Lewis can only make non-fiction sounds sexy. It makes you wonder how an ex-atheist fell in love with the sovereign God this much.

He explains and explores the boundaries of religion and the nooks and corners of Christianity from a perspective you never considered before.

Deep and thoughtful are the words I would use to describe this book.

CS Lewis Quote
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4. Radically Obedient, Radically Blessed ~ Lysa TerKeurst

For most of us, giving up control and obeying God is not a walk in the park, especially when His directions don’t align with our plans.

However, this book sheds light on the blessings of giving God the steering wheel and riding shotguns with him in an adventurous journey called life.

This well-written piece is Lysa’s magnum opus.

This book is worth every penny you spend on it and so much more. Her compelling illustrations and inspiring bible insights are a given.

5. Love Does ~Bob Goff

Discover a secretly incredible life in an ordinary world.

Picture this — A smitten lover preparing a place with sparkling lights and sweet red roses to proclaim his love to his dame.

Bob exemplifies that is how the LOVE himself proclaims his overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love for us. The majestic mountain peaks and the paint-stroked blue skies are the romantic setups, scratch that more like a trap to propose to us.

Even if your answer is not yes, he will persuade you until His love is understood. What a wonderful picture that is ?!!

This book portrays, the “Do” part of our faith. Being a Christian doesn’t only mean talking about loving others but also setting foot down in the field, getting your hands dirty, and living an extraordinary life.

I only got this last week and I am already halfway through the book, trust me it hooks you like that.

If this book does not make your heart beat faster, book the next flight to Mayo clinic ~ Bill Hybels Sr. Pastor, Willow Creek Community church (On his book review)


In addition to the above, I thought I could give you another book to read every day.

Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth

In case you still don’t get it, read the first letter of each word of this book.

I don’t wanna sound preachy though trust me when I say no book/TED talk/Motivational video can help you boost your confidence in yourself and God more than this book of books. Thus it is a must-try.

Don’t consider it a chore, read it like any other book, Write down your thoughts and your perspective on it. Re-read it, memorize it. Quote it to people and Have fun.

The Bible is not given to increase your knowledge but to change your lives ~ D.L Moody

Congratulations! You found 5 more books to occupy the space on your bookshelf and the space in your heart you reserved for knowing God deeper. I hope these preferences nudge you in His direction.

If it does, do let me know in the comments. Go on don’t be a stranger. And if you have some suggestions I am all ears. You can put that in the comments too.

Your claps and comments encourage me to write and do more for His Kingdom. So thank you for that!.

Originally published at https://hepzahart828.wixsite.com on November 22, 2022.



Hepza Hart

Writer | Blogger | Nerd & Full-time Fangirl | In love with The Man who gave up his life for me| Here's my blog link -https://hepzahart828.wixsite.com/umeandhim