Panta Rhei Protocol — moving forward

The Heraclitus Project
4 min readOct 17, 2022


In this article, we will introduce our roadmap for the upcoming releases, that are part of the Heraclitus Project. Each point will be briefly presented and addressed in detail in upcoming publications on our Medium page.

After the first smart contracts with automatic compound interest, we decided to focus on developing a fully functional protocol that will provide a rich number of investment tools and products.

We are excited to share with you our current activities.

Moving forward

  1. Release of an early web-UI of the PantaRhei protocol
  2. PantaRhei Token (PNTR) IDO / ILO
  3. More TCI derivatives
  4. Early-investors program
  5. Staking for PNTR hodlers
  6. DCA dapps implementation
  7. DAO governance

Release of an early web-UI of the Panta Rhei protocol

Proof-of-concept of the Smart Contract Swap UI — Panta Rhei Protocol

With an early version of the Panta Rhei Protocol, we will provide a graphical user interface for minting TCI derivatives and withdrawing their Base Assets. The exchange will cost you a small fee, which in the later stage will fund the PNTR staking dapp.

PantaRhei Token (PNTR) IDO / ILO

We will be launching IDO after the first web-UI releases.

Why another token?, you may ask. There are actually quite a few reasons, that we will explain in future publications, with the tokenomics and the IDO announcement.

Because our platform will focus mainly on issuing derivatives, and at a later stage also on DCA programs — we will be able to offer a wide range of products that are still not available on the Waves blockchain. All transaction fees will go to the PantaRhei token stakers.

If you have been following our project, you know that TCI derivatives can be issued for virtually any token that generates regular profits. The minting of the new derivatives will be entirely in the hands of PantaRhei stakers. PNTR investors will have the ability to regulate the supply of any TCI in circulation. This functionality will be implemented with future protocol updates and will have a significant impact on the value of the PNTR token.

Remember that the PantaRhei token has not yet been released. We will inform you about it with the official publication on Medium.

More TCI derivatives

The Waves ecosystem is growing, with protocols being updated to new versions of the RIDE language. All major protocols already support dapp-to-dapp connections. This functionality gives us an advantage in writing our TCIs in a way that benefits the user the most.

All liquidity pools with farming/staking capability can be wrapped into TCI. That means, we can tokenize compound interest from liquidity at WX Pools, PuzzleSwap, and SwopFi. Given the current liquidity on Waves AMM protocols, we are able to issue about 75 derivatives with automated compound interest. Issuance of them all will be regulated by the PNTR investors.

Early-investors program

We are very grateful to our early supporters. We would like to thank Vladimir Zhuravlev especially. With the publication of this article, a snapshot was taken of all the addresses that have TCI tokens. We have an amazing surprise for our hardcore early supporters. We will write about it soon.

Also, we will be taking regular snapshots until the official IDO date of addresses that have TCI tokens. These addresses will receive an air-drop of the PNTR token on its release date.

Remember that the PantaRhei token has not yet been released. We will inform you about it with the official publication on Medium.

Staking for PNTR hodlers

In future releases, we will introduce Staking. The PantaRhei Token staking smart contract will accumulate funds from paid fees of all TCI minting and Base Assets withdraws. Staking will be a mandatory condition to use the minting and withdraw functionality. The size of the circulating supply of each TCI will be decided by the PNTR investors. Also, market arbitrage of TCI derivatives will only be possible with the staked PNTR token. In one of our previous publications, we explained how TCI arbitration will work. Read section: How can “TCI Parents” help?

DCA dapps implementation

DCA Smart Contracts is our latest proof-of-concept. Dapp will follow a similar logic to traditional long-term investment programs, where weekly/monthly Dollar-cost Averaging accumulates assets that are a part of the contract’s investment prospect. Without sharing too many details, now — that dapps will regularly buy certain assets from a fraction of the initially deposited base capital. We will explain this concept, before the early release.

DAO governance

DAO is the last implementation we are planning in the current roadmap. Governance will complete the full functionality of the protocol. Among other things, the Panta Rhei DAO will be:

  • Deciding about different aspects of the TCI derivatives.
  • Adjusting the investment direction of each DCA dapp.
  • Tweaking parameters of PNTR Staking.

That would be it, for now. We hope this brief description sheds a little more light on our current development. We’re glad you’re with us!

If you are interested in our project, follow us on Twitter, join our Telegram Group, and subscribe to our Telegram Channel.



The Heraclitus Project

Collection of Tokenized Compound Interest derivatives on Waves Blockchain.