Filled! Saved! Now What?

5 min readMar 1, 2023


After We Reach The Mountaintop, How Do We Keep The Momentum Going?

Key Scripture: They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. (Acts 2:42)

Key Question: How Do I Stay On The Mountaintop?

Have You Ever Struggled To Keep The Momentum Going?

Have you ever accomplished a goal that required tremendous time and effort? Then you wondered…What’s Next? What am I going to do to keep this momentum going? How am I going to maintain this level of success?

For me, it was graduating from college. Graduating was great!!! But it was not the ultimate goal. There was more for me to do.

For the disciples, it was the Day of Pentecost, when the 120 who had obediently gathered in an upper room in Jerusalem were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. (Acts 2:1–4) Then Peter preached a sermon that challenged the multitude to repent and 3000 souls were saved.

Can you imagine the excitement that reverberated throughout their camp? Miracles signs and wonders were being performed! The gospel was being proclaimed! Souls were being saved! That which they had prayed and trained for had come to pass! They had reached the mountaintop!

But hold up. Let’s temper that excitement. For it is one thing to reach the mountaintop, it is something totally different to continue to serve the Lord in Spirit & Truth from the mountaintop. It is one thing to receive a blessing. It is something totally different to properly utilize that blessing.

For it is one thing to reach the mountaintop, it is something totally different to continue to serve the Lord in Spirit & Truth from the mountaintop.

For the apostles and this collection of new believers, the events of the Day of Pentecost were not the culmination of their mission. It was just the start.

How Do The Apostles Keep The Momentum Going?

So how would they keep their momentum going? How would they maintain their level of success? Luke tells us that they continually devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” (Acts 2:42) Let’s break that down.

They Devoted Themselves To TheApostles’ Teaching –

Can you imagine the questions running through the minds of these new converts? As apostles, it was their job to answer their questions by teaching the new converts all that the Lord had commanded them. (Matthew 28:18–20) It was their job to provide them with spiritual steak and potatoes. It was the new converts’ job to sit at the table and eat.

But you may be thinking “I don’t have time to sit at the table and eat”. I beg to differ. We have both the time and the need to read and/or listen to His word. But the real question is “are we willing to devote the required time”?

Photo by Tim Toomey on Unsplash

They Devoted Themselves To Fellowship

Now when we hear the word fellowship in our American Culture, we think of Sunday after-church potluck dinners. While that is part of it, it is not the totality of it. For that Greek word (koinōnia) translated fellowship means to commune together. It is the unique sharing that Christians have with God and with other Christians. (Ajith Fernando, Acts, The NIV Application Commentary, pg 120)

It is what we at Exhort Community Church call “doing life together”. We do not live in isolation. Instead, we celebrate our victories, raise our kids, pray, worship, rejoice, cry, mourn, and learn the hard lessons of life together.

The new church was committed to “doing life together”. On five separate occasions, Luke utilizes a term or phrase that represents their oneness. (Acts 2:44 (2), 45, 46 (2))

They Devoted Themselves To The Breaking Of Bread.

Depending on whom you read, the breaking of bread is a reference to either the Lord’s Supper (communion) or eating meals together. Which one is right? I don’t think it really matters. For once again the emphasis is on the fellowship (koinonia) that took place as they partook of the Lord’s Supper and broke bread together in each other’s home.

There is something about reflecting on the grace and mercy of the Lord and partaking in a meal together that builds vertical and horizontal bonds.

They Devoted Themselves To Prayer.

As they waited on Jesus to send the Holy Spirit, they prayed. And now that the Lord has sent the Holy Spirit, they are still praying. Did you get that? They prayed as they waited on the Lord to deliver the Promised Blessing. And now that the Lord has delivered the blessing, they are still praying. They did not stop when they got what they needed. They kept on praying. Paul calls it praying without ceasing. (1 Thess 5:17)

They Devoted Themselves To Keeping The Momentum Going Daily. Not Once A Week

When are they doing these four foundational keys to the church? Daily!!! Not merely on Sundays and Wednesdays but daily. (Acts 2:42, 46 & 47) Not merely when they felt like it. Not only when it fit their schedule. BUT DAILY!!!

We Challenge You To Follow The Apostles’ Example.

So, we challenge you to continually devote yourself to the apostles teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer. To keep the main thing the main thing…even once you have reached the mountain top.

