Herbalist Volunteer Program

Herbalist Token Project
3 min readNov 24, 2018


As Herbalist Team, we are working towards providing everyone with opportunities to live naturally. That’s why we are creating Global Rare Herbs Marketplace to make quality herbs accessible to everyone.

As responsible individuals, we also value the protection of the environment, preservation of the species and increasing the quality of life around the world. So we are starting a new campaign called Herbalist Volunteer Program to encourage everyone around the globe to contribute to the protection of the environment.

We are seeking volunteers to plant a tree and contribute to our cause. As Herbalist Team we are going to reward 100.000 HERB tokens to anyone planting a tree and sending a picture of himself/herself while holding a paper with “Herbalist” and the date written on it.

As you plant a tree and send your picture to us, we are also going to donate 100.000 HERB tokens to One Tree Planted for every tree planted.

Join us today in protection of our environment.

Sample Photo

Participation Rules to The Program

1. Start planting a tree in your favorite place

2. While planting a tree get a picture of yourself taken holding a paper with “Herbalist” and the date written on it.

3. Tweet your picture and mention @herbalistoken and @onetreeplanted in your tweet.

4. Fill out this form with required information.


5. Your 100.000 HERB tokens reward will be sent to your ethereum wallet address.

By participating to the program you give your consent to us to publish your pictures on our website. Selected pictures will be published only to encourage more people to plant a tree.

Herbalist Token Project on Social Media

· Official Website

· Twitter

· Youtube

· Reddit

· Telegram Chat

· Telegram Announcements

One Tree Planted on Social Media

· Official Website

· Twitter

· Instagram

