Why I’m Here

Here 4 the dot Beer
4 min readJul 21, 2015

I’m here, on Medium, because a psychic told me that I was a writer who, having a skill with humor (her words) needed to start my writing career off small. NOTE: said psychic is a snarky, cynic about psychics… which is just an awesome combination.

Originally, I thought to do a blog where I would post my amazing, incredibly funny writing, but then a friend of mine suggested I try this site as a way of writing to get feedback.

I have no idea why I’m sharing this, however, I think it has something to do with the randomness that is life, coupled with the fact that life really isn’t random at all… more to come on that at some point. Or, not.

Either way, that is why I’m here, I guess.

So, you can imagine one sitting at their computer knowing that they should be writing something funny on Medium, but instead they are starring at the screen trying desparately to think of something funny to write. All the while wondering if the psychic meant that they should write something funny on Medium, OR if doing this funny writing on Medium instead of a blog is throwing their future off course and now a new prediction is needed because a new course has been set, and they aren’t really supposed to be a writer at all, but a dentist.

This is how much of my life goes. And, reading it here, I realize the absurdity of it all. I realize it, but there isn’t anything much I can DO about it, except, look inside myself and write something funny (so said the psychic. NOTE: this is not the first psychic who has told me I need to write funny things to find myself. *sigh*).

I believe, at this moment, that this basic set of anxiety fueled thinking, feeling, acting and living is what is meant to fuel the humor of which I’m to write about.

That being said, you gotta start somewhere, right? And, it seems i have to start in order to… well… start. So… I guess I’ll start with the first funny thing that comes to mind. Last night I finally got through the entirety of the FX show, Sons of Anarchy. I finished the show moved, and in deep thought and reflection. For those of you who have never watched the show there is a wiki that tells you all about it. While viewing, I noticed a somewhat MAJOR character flaw that made me chuckle.

**SPOILER ALERT** READ NO FURTHER IN THIS POST if you plan on watching the show.

In short, there’s a motorcycle club, based out of some small town in California, with ties to the NRA. And, who has, somehow, been selected as the head of all organized gang crime terrorities in the west. The show is violent, has a strong psychological twist and ends with the main character committing suidice in a spiritually bound act (he drives his bike into a semi, just like his dad did some ten years earlier).

Here’s the thing about the show and why I’m writing about it here today. There were so many questions I had when the last episode ended. Namely, 1. who the hell was this random homeless lady walking around all the time? Well… I got the answer to that: she was Jesus Christ. Ok, got it. 2. Why did the main character’s mom feel like it was ok to get offed by her son? Well… because it was club rule. Ok, check that off the list. 3. Why was a Motorcycle Club such a big deal? I chalked this up to the entire concept of if it wasn’t such a big deal the show wouldn’t have existed, and felt better about this answer. 4. BUT… there is one question I never did get the answer to.

That question: Why, with all the violence, death, drugs, anger, macho biker guy stuff… why, for seven seasons did I see these macho bikers always, during stressful situations, being offered and drinking hot tea instead of some sort of alcoholic something???? It makes no sense! These are hardened criminals… what’s with the tea?! Only person I knew who drank tea when stressed was my Grandma, and that was probably after she had a beer.

And so, this to me is a MAJOR character flaw people, and if someone has the answer, please do explain it to me as I might sleep better knowing. Otherwise, guess I’ll just keep on trucking (pun intended).

