Spend 4 Mins Not Earning Money And Knowing Your Next Big Mission

Naman Kumar
4 min readSep 17, 2017


“We all just running after money”, It’s a truth that I think you should consider. You are working hard, doing extra hours in your office to impress your boss or probably just to perform well but what for?

Most of the time to get a promotion, which in turn gives two things: some increments to your “the people who call me boss” list and most importantly bucks $$$, comment if I missed something. Okay, some “self-satisfaction” stuff too, yeah we can consider that.

I am the Boss

If you are yet a student like me, then you probably be struggling and working hard to get yourself placed in some nice big MNC or to start something of your own, (same as me), then what next ?

We all have that short goals and plans for ourself, most of them revolving around bucks $$$; and if you don’t even have some goals, your motivation tank is just empty, that is quite same as being dead.

Have you ever thought doing something more than just earning. Do you strive to create a legacy or bank balance? And if not both, then just stop reading this, you are already dead, starting worshiping “Light God” and figuring out a way to get back to life, as Jon Snow did.

I challenge you to stop reading and start asking yourself:

What after you be the next Bill Gates (from the money side)?

What after you be what your boss is at the moment?

What after you are successful? Even when that “success” is something most of us spend our whole life not understanding what it really means to ourselves.


Well if you are back from thinking about it and quite surely I would say, didn’t get the answer to the questions and you probably won’t get it in next 5 years, I too haven’t got mine, people don’t get all their lives but what matters is “Think” because “You’re gonna die”.

You may remember the famous clip by Gary Vaynerchuk:

The greatest thing about accepting your own death and using “You’re gonna die” in a very positive, optimistic, empowering way is that it motivates you to do extraordinary things. — Gary Vaynerchuk

It’s obvious that someday we are all gonna die and if you are living that “being settled” the dead life, you have to first come to life and then die again.

Think if you have just one week to live. The inner you might be like “Shit! There is so much I have to give, if I had known it earlier, I would have squeezed everything out of what I had”.

Now what? You probably won’t run for money now, with only a week to live. “What will you do then?”, ask yourself.

And if you just want to live your life earning money that is quite okay. I am not compelling you to think more.

Let me be rich

Our society teaches us to be rich. Whenever you try to be “better”, it tells you to be “better than others”, being a selfish moron. And trust me you’ll need to do a lot of hard work to just take the positives from it.

There will come a time in your life or might even already have; when you have some set back, quite be possible on situations like you prepare hard for some interview and you don’t clear it or when you have a lot of pressure from office and you’re exhausted or might be even when you just have a breakup with your girlfriend; you will go into the “discovering the inner-self” mode.

Hello my guiding angel

That moment you’ll think about “What your next big mission is?”

Do everything, enjoy life, just don’t be a selfish moron, and most importantly Think!

