< Religion />

Roy Kim
3 min readOct 2, 2017


Let’s get controversial, let’s get spicy.

One of the most influential people that I have met in my life taught me this:

The message is always the same, now, the format is what varies.

If you follow that idea you can understand various aspects of life. How you play around with different levels of granularity, and how you set the scope on ‘things’ will let you understand what’s the message, and what’s the format.

WTH are you talking about, ®oy?

Here’s an example:


Think of Music as a whole. The idea of music will always be the same. Music carries messages. Music is the format on which a message is portrayed, basically, another format of communication.

You use music to communicate, to share emotions, to channel energies, to teach lessons, to talk harmoniously and with rhythm.

Now Music itself has different formats.

You have classical music, electronic music, rock, pop, rap, hip-hop, and more+.

These formats morph, these formats are languages of a bigger essence. Music. They change to make the process of sharing and understanding the feelings much more efficient. Different generations relate to the idea of music differently, hence you need music to decode in different colors.

Some people may say that electronic music seems to be the ‘next genre’, since it’s the format that suits better to the upcoming generations. The younger generations like eveything fast, they are more related to technology than other generational groups, they play games that use electronic, fast paced, and tetric music as background; ergo, electronic music will become trendier and trendier.

As a musician that wants to share his ideas, and emotions, you have to understand that you need to recycle messages, which are always the same (love, hate, pain, joy), and find the most efficient format in order to make some sort of impact to your listener.

For those visual guys:

Now, music, books, podcasts, newspapers, letters, etc, they all are formats of a Message. (different SCOPE, different GRANULARITY)

Get the idea?

Now coming back to Religion… I would like to share some wisdom I was taught by a fellow traveler.

A lot of people think that they have the true knowledge of life. They know their religion is the key to heaven, and because they know this, they close their minds to other religions, and worst case scenario, judge, discriminate, and misjudge other followers of different religions.

To all those:


Neither do I. So why instill a religion. Religion is a format of a Message.

The Message is always the same, B. Wake up:



Now, the format is a whole different story. Choose your own format, but look up for the Message.

That freedom you have to choose your own format, is the “free will” they all preach about.

It’s not about the format. It’s about the Message.

If you understand the Message, you don’t need a Format.

For those visual guys:

I chose to believe in LIFE.

Thank you again.


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Roy Kim

We’re all⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Minimum Viable Products⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀Perfection is an illusion