Heritage Foundation
2 min readSep 12, 2016

All Americans, left, right and center want their government to protect them from foreign threats. They want their families to be safe. They don’t want to live in fear that everything they hold precious, their loved ones, their communities, could just disappear. They trust their elected officials to see this obligation is fulfilled. That trust is often given, not earned and when our leaders fail us, many simply don’t know.

There are few dangers more devastating than a nuclear weapons attack. If the attack on 9/11 had been a nuclear detonation of equivalent force to the two airplanes and the collapse of the Twin Towers, the explosion would have wiped out most of Manhattan.

The cost of recovering from 9/11 was almost $400 billion. The cost of recovering from one nuclear attack on a U.S. city might exceed the entire U.S. economy. In addition to the cost, the threat of a nuclear attack is enough to undermine U.S. foreign policy and America’s ability to protect itself in the dangerous world in which we live.

Yet, after eight years of Obama’s stewardship of America’s nuclear deterrent and missile defenses little has been done to ensure U.S. missile defenses outpace the threat. Here is why we should worry.

  • Russia has dramatically expanded and upgraded its nuclear arsenal.
  • China has put massive efforts in hiding the extent of and future plans for its nuclear weapons.
  • North Korea has made dramatic progress in its missile and nuclear weapons programs.

The danger of nuclear proliferation is more present than ever.

Thirty-three minutes is the maximum time it would take a nuclear-tipped missile from the farthest point of the earth to reach the U.S.

It is also the title of our film, first released in 2007 and recently updated, to warn Americans what our government needs to do protect us. This new version may be America’s final warning, explaining the danger we face, how rapidly threats have developed, and how little Washington has done . This is a clarion call to get it right before it is too late.

Heritage Foundation

A think tank devoted to the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.