Noemi Martinezhow to hire a sensitivity reader or cultural editor or freelancerYou arrive first and request a booth in the back, unnoticed, you sit down, your fedora hat hides your eyes as you scan the rest of the…Jan 30, 2020Jan 30, 2020
Noemi MartinezHow We Use our Cell Phones in Our Family and Why We Need ThemIn our family, cell phones are a necessary part of life and how I manage the household. They work in tandem with organizers, several…May 16, 20171May 16, 20171
Noemi MartinezUncovered History: The Center of Culinary Co-opt in Motion, Austin, TXlost records that reveal Austin, TX to be the hotbed of culinary inventions.Feb 24, 2016Feb 24, 2016
Noemi MartinezDon’t be frightened, old Jenny is trueThe frontier is the line of most rapid and effective AmericanizationFeb 18, 2016Feb 18, 2016
Noemi MartinezThe Evil Roots of Desire and FoodTo splurge, to feed, to hunger, to desire, to surviveJan 28, 2016Jan 28, 2016
Noemi MartinezPretty mujer sitting next to me with too much perfume is making me sick---a queer sickpoem.Jan 27, 20161Jan 27, 20161
Noemi MartinezMercury Retrograde + Your Excusesreminder that mercury retrograde doesn’t excuse your shitty frameworks and abusive character. Don’t blame it on the stars or the rain.Jan 6, 2016Jan 6, 2016
Noemi MartinezToday’s almost over. Lucky 2016 is a leap year so…On the first of the year I twitter feed a bunch of ideas on how folks had 366 chances to change this year. Think of them as new year’s…Jan 5, 2016Jan 5, 2016