Some Things Never Change

Herman Olivera III
2 min readSep 2, 2016



There is a lot of hate aimed at Colin Kaepernick and his short sided decision not to acknowledge our anthem. He could’ve parlayed his position of prominence and utilized his immediate resources to create a worthy movement to raise awareness, but he didn’t.

Let’s get one thing straight I don’t agree with the way he handled himself. I have never supported him or his team, but the punishment doesn’t fit the so-called crime. Isn’t the beauty of living in this country is you can express yourself (right or wrong) without getting shot?

Are you really OK with the rampant Kaepernick jersey burnings and ordering him to leave the country?

Did you burn Speedos when Ryan Lochte disgraced our US Olympic reputation by damaging property and fabricated the truth to Brazilian authorities?

Lochte was representing our country, not representing a private team. He went to a hosting foreign land and literally urinated on it. Why weren’t you outraged at that?

I see what is going on here.

I have been observing a new form of hatred spawned by social media. Let’s just say it’s a weak attempt to disguise various prejudices. You aren’t really fooling anyone, because the underlying toxicity seeps through.

It’s pretty unsettling that some people are afforded a pass while others are condemned to virtual lynching. Hate divides us and will continue to burn a hole through you.

We will probably never experience peace and I’m fine with that. I don’t place that much faith in humanity. Man has been killing in the name of religion and greed since the beginning of time.

As a country we owe it to ourselves to being civil and acting like leaders. Let’s set the tone for future generations rather than pass down this hate that seems to have been reignited.

Respect, love and compassion for humanity comes before anything.

Learn It…. Love It…….Live It…… Be It

Originally published at Herman Olivera.



Herman Olivera III

Coach•Trainer•Marketing/Business Strategist• Video/Audio Producer •Optimizer of the Human Experience