Hermina Dee
2 min readMar 3, 2022


What finally changed my attitude towards food and led to better eating habits.

Image by Biology Online

I have been struggling with my weight since my teens. I now know that my weight gain was probably due to a number of reasons, which I’m not going to bore you with today. I might tell you that story another time. Today, I want to share what FINALLY WORKED.

I love all living things. I am that crazy person who zig zags the footpath in order to avoid stepping on ants. I bend down to pick a snail trying to cross same footpath so it doesn’t get squished by the next pedestrian. You get the drift.

Well, last year, my teenage son started learning biology. I on the other hand have no idea about science; any science. My education level is very basic. Yet, I have to help my son with his schoolwork because he has difficulty reading. He has no difficulty understanding and learning, just reading. Therefore I often have to read his school material. This works well for me too, as I get the opportunity to learn something too.

As part of his biology curriculum, he was learning about cells; both human and plant cells. What cells are made of, what processes/phases they go through etc. This is when I first learned about organelles! Did you know that our cells have tiny little organs? The same way that we have kidneys, liver, heart and whatever else. Each cell also has organs!!! Thanks to modern technology, we can now actually see a…



Hermina Dee

Starting my spiritual journey. Always open to new ideas. I have no filters and say it like it is (in my opinion). But I appreciate constructive criticism.