Birds – Vögel – Des Oiseaux

Scribe Writing Prompt: A Poem for Wildlife


Photo by Richard Lee on Unsplash

The poem that follows was in answer to a prompt from Thomas Gaudex in ‘Scribe’. I didn’t have time to finish the edit before the deadline so I am publishing here.

The editor suggested I separate the poems into individual ones. Originally I had the lines arranged in the languages that I first imagined them in. I think it was Elvira Yuzbay who wrote about writing in different languages as a way into sparser writing. I had that in mind too. Hope you enjoy my ropey French and German. It has been a while. Couldn’t find all the accents….


Birds –

There you are

Are you hungry?

I love you

I think the trees love you too

I would like to speak the language of birds

I want your dreams

I want stars, trees, leaves, and flowers

What do you want?


Me too

The thing is

Everybody else wants gold


Da sind Sie



Hermione Wilds Writes - Writer and editor

Top WRITER: Art 2023; Editor; Awards nominated writer; MA., B. A; Author; soft landscape gardener; editor of 'All's Well' & 'Shoe Love Mag''. Mum to 5 adults...