Debunking the Myth of Graded Writing & Dumbing Down

People are lazy – that’s all

Are people lazy? Sometimes. I admit that includes me.

Do you sometimes check a writer out, look at their profile, click on something handy, get lost there for a while, and then click away?

I’m sure you’re perfectly normal. But is that a reason to unpin your stories or dumb down on your writing level?

While writing my daily story in the morning, I found another story about dumbing down the level of your readability in order to get more reads. I even clapped for it because sometimes it seems like it could be true.

Except for, well, a few things. Stay with me a moment while I share the evidence from my forensic searching.

This past week my stories have performed reasonably well. They’re on the way to making me a dollar each. As some of you know, I’ve been aiming for this as a way of justifying my Medium writing habit, comparing myself to an author who made bread money on a penny novel in the good old fifties. Except, I’m not making that money from the excerpts of my novels, yet. But, we live in hope, and it’s nice to have some company.

Taking a look at my stats on these stories, which I will share below. I noticed that the ones I pin do better than the ones I don’t. Of course, I could be lying, twisting the truth, hamming things up for your entertainment. I guess the only way to find out is to pick a story that gets a good…



Hermione Wilds Writes - Writer and editor

Top WRITER: Art 2023; Editor; Awards nominated writer; MA., B. A; Author; soft landscape gardener; editor of 'All's Well' & 'Shoe Love Mag''. Mum to 5 adults...