Running create-react-app from non-root context path

Hernán Massad
1 min readApr 2, 2020


  1. Before building, set PUBLIC_URL env variable to the value of your subdirectory, let use /subdir for example. You can also put this variable into your .env.production (in case you do not have that file you can check the doc)

2. In public/index.html add the base element bellow, this is for static files like images.

<base href="%PUBLIC_URL%/">

3. Also in public/index.html, if you have custom link element, make sure theyre are prefixed with %PUBLIC_URL% (like manifest.json and favicon.ico href).

4. If you use BrowserRouter, you can add basename prop:

<BrowserRouter basename={process.env.PUBLIC_URL} />

5. If you use Router instead, because you need access to history.push method, to programmatically change page, do the following:

// history.tsx
import {createBrowserHistory} from 'history';
export default createBrowserHistory({ basename: process.env.PUBLIC_URL });<!-- Where your router is, for me, App.tsx -->
<Router history={history}>

6. Use relative links inside your elements

<!-- "./assets/quotes.png" is also ok, but "/assets/quotes.png" is not -->
<img src="assets/quotes.png" alt="" />

7. Move your background-image links from scss to jsx/tsx files (note that you may not need to do that if you use css files):

/*remove that*/
background-image: url('/assets/background-form.jpg');
<section style={{backgroundImage: `url('assets/background-form.jpg')`}}>


