Fractal Democracy is our best (or only) shot at reorganizing Society!

Hernan Arber
4 min readOct 6, 2022


Fractal Democracy and the case for Eden on EOS

Fractal Democracy and the case for Eden on EOS

If you still live under the illusion of choice that your politicians have been selling you under the propaganda: “We have to fight for our democracy”, this article is your opportunity to WAKE UP!

We DON’T have to FIGHT for our democracy, particularly one that is not really ours and not even a democracy in reality. However, we CAN and MUST Opt-Out of our current captured system of governance, or as Daniel Larimer calls them: DINO’s (Democracy In Name Only) if you haven’t read his book, you can get it for free HERE.

Dan is a controversial character, and this post is not to defend him or his way of doing things. However, we would be foolish to discard his great ideas just because we disagree with his character. If you think Dan’s ideas are not valuable, Just take a look at your favorite Blockchain Platform and all of the variations of DPoS (Delegated Proof of Stake) that have spawned in the last 4 years since its invention.

However, this is not about Dan or DPoS, but about EDEN.

EDEN is the best application for a new system of governance we call Fractal Democracy. The process involves a game of “political playoffs” that distributes all the participants into small groups and they are tasked with reaching a real consensus and electing one representative that will move on to the next round. If consensus is not reached, then noone from the group advances to the next round.

There are three key elements to this process that might seem trivial but are fundamentally disruptive to the current governance models:

1 — Randomization: You don’t know who you are going to be paired up with in your group, and therefore, the possibility of creating party alliances or “cartels” are severely diminished.

2 — Efficiency: Within a 3-round election we have managed to select the Chief Delegates and that process lasts between 2–3 hours. If you compare that to 3–6 months of a campaign or even 4 YEARS which is what most politicians in the US are currently running. This election process is way more efficient.

3 — Consensus: At a certain point, the members that want to get elected have to make a difficult choice between electing their favorite candidate (or themselves) and helping the group to reach a true consensus. This decision is what most of our politicians are not willing to do today: Compromise their own benefit for the good of the community.

The goal of this process is to maximize the individual’s voice within a group, and this has been proven to be the case in EDEN. Most of the time, the later rounds are usually determined by ONE member of the group that is willing to forfeit their candidacy in favor of another candidate in the group.

Lately, we have all been championing #Ethereum’s #Merge, and although I do agree that this is very Bullish long-term for $ETH, most of us have been championing the merge because:

  1. We all want number-go-up on $ETH
  2. Most of us are not aware of the implications of a token-weighted governance system.

Proof of Stake is a great way to bring efficiency to a Blockchain, but in governance terms, it is also “The biggest whale runs the show” whether we like it or not. There was a time when bringing people into crypto and building a good narrative to attribute value to a token was the first priority. But now that Crypto is evolving, we need to be very careful not to perpetuate the systems of control we are trying to disrupt in the first place.

You can read more about my stance on Proof of Stake mechanisms and my Proposal for an alternative system that also takes into account the individual influence and contribution to the system in my proposal for POWR (Proof Of Weighted Relevance)

Back to EDEN, one might argue that the process is too random to produce a good outcome, but the most surprising part of the EDEN election process is that IT ACTUALLY WORKS!

The previously elected delegates and chief delegates have all been some of the most dedicated and well-respected members of the EOS Community. What we have built here with EDEN is the first version of a true Meritocracy, where the size of your wallet is less relevant than your contribution to the community.

As an elected EDEN delegate, I see it as my mission to bring more people into EDEN and into the EOS Community, and therefore I’m now offering a 25 $EOS gift to ANYONE who wants to join us and participate in the election happening this Saturday.

The terms are that you MUST be:

1 — A real human

2 — New to the EOS Ecosystem

3 — Willing to participate in this Saturday’s Election

The first is available for you, no questions asked, from NOW until 1 hour prior to the Election. DM Me if you want to sign up, and I’ll personally teach you how.

Come try the process out! At a minimum, you’ll earn 25 $EOS for an hour of your time. At a maximum, your conception of how our society can be better organized will be forever changed and you will not be able to go back to our current systems of governance, evolving into a true #Gov3 ambassador like me ❤

Join us @ EDEN! You still have until Saturday ;-)

Learn more about Eden Here!



Hernan Arber

CEO @ Soundwork / Founder @ Arber Tech / Co-Founder @ Quantum Consulting