Solution to the Impossible Trinity — Talking From the Trend of IPFS Web Player

Hero Node
6 min readMay 5, 2018


Recently, a major event took place in the blockchain world: movie guide and video player based on the IPFS become a new trend.

(China’s first video player based on IPFS network, which makes it possible for users to simply enter the HASH of the video file and play the videos online without ads)

At this moment, it seems that everyone has become a naughty child, thinking that he owns some kind of super powers to achieve anything they want. But they never realize that they are just the clowns pushed to the stage in the opera house, dancing to the audience awkwardly.

We think we are the bystanders, but we are actually the players.

When everyone is enjoying the carnival, have they ever thought that although this happens in the blockchain world, this is actually related to everyone? When Ethereum is broken, IPFS is blocked, how do people engage in I-C-O and the FileCoin mining?

“Ethernet will not be shut down, and the IPFS network cannot be blocked.”

This point is really ridiculous to me, a developer in telecommunications and the Internet softwares. If you want to block Ethereum and IPFS, there will be numerous methods. As for why it is not currently blocked yet, on the one hand, it has not reached the particularly serious situations; on the other hand, the supervisory authorities have not made effective regulations.

When it comes to supervision, we have to talk about some sensitive, political issues.

Some people believe that only China government will supervise the network and that foreign countries are very free about it.

Not really. The actual difference lies in the supervisory sensitivity of different contents.

China is sensitive to political issues, the United States is sensitive to ethnic issues, and Europe is sensitive to Nazi issues. These sensitive issues are as dangerous as high-voltage power lines. Once someone touches them, the consequences will be disastrous.

Some people might say that the blockchain belongs to the whole world. Even if it is blocked in some countries, it does not mean they will also banded in other countries, so it will still run as usual.

Theoretically, it is true.

But when we leave out the consensus and only pursue value, we are rascals.

The value of the blockchain comes from the number of people who have reached a consensus. The larger the number, the higher the value. If a consensus only exists on some unknown little islands, are you still willing to buy?

This Is Not How Blockchain Should Be Treated.

The blockchain has to be intemperable, completely open and safe in system.

It seems to be an impossible dead end.

? So is it also an impossible trinity?

As far as I’m concerned, blockchain can only be used as a trust platform, not as a content platform.

Simply speaking, the blockchain can only store the Hash data, not the actual content data. If it only contains Hash, it is safe. For example, if s a DNS has a record which leads to a pornographic website, what you should do is to close the target website, rather than to close the DNS server, shouldn’t you?

There were no rules before, but due to the expenses and cost issues, everybody followd it. Until one day a smarty-pants fool broke them.

This Is Not How IPFS Achieves Freedom

Boundaries are a source of liberation.- Essentialism, Greg McKeown

The boundary of freedom is not to violate others. It is a common rule obeyed by everyone.

So when those who are keen on the movie viewing guide based on IPFS influence the public’s understanding and tell people that the IPFS is such a “free” thing, I am really frustrated.

They just show one of the most trivial features of IPFS, while exposing the biggest weakness of IPFS on the Web: it’s centralized, and without multi-node acceleration. If movie viewing is what you need, I suggest you go to the WebTorrent. It’s so much better the IPFS on movie viewing.

The real power of IPFS is the Interplanetary File System and Dweb, and the possibility of building an everlasting storage ecosystem in the future.

Guide to Correct Use of Blockchain

As it was already mentioned above, blockchain cannot be a content platform, but only a trust platform.

The real data content should never be written to the blockchain, because the unmodifiable and undeletable features will make whatever has been written on it awkward at certain time in the future. Ethereum’s smart contracts and data are indistinguishable, so the only possible solutions are that the community reaches a consensus, or some more convenient tools are invented for everyone to write data to the IPFS and write the unchangeable HASH value to the blockchain at the same time.

Guide to Correct Use of IPFS

If the data stored on the IPFS is also open, sensitive, infringing other people’s rights, and equally undeletable, just as the blockchain system, will it have the same problem as that of the blockchain?


When the person who are responsible for all of this remains unknown, the IPFS ecological disaster will definitely happen. Users are possible to be reported and they perhaps will even go to the jail, let alone the mining.

Don’t do evil.

It is impossible for an ecosystem to succeed without considering these basic problems.

In the Hero Node’s IPFS ecosystem, all the data are signed. On the hardware level, everyone shares a common ecosystem. But on the software level, all the data are actually separated.

Any Dapp developer has the obligation to manage his content and maintain the HASH blacklist function. It’s certain that the data can not be deleted, but at least one way is needed to hide some data.

The result is:

The blockchain is just a trust platform. It has witnessed a lot and it is absolutely safe; IPFS is just a storage-sharing platform that stores only binary data without any actual meaning, which is also safe. Dapp developers should have their own judgment, and it is his own choice to decide to use the data blacklists or not, and which blacklist to use. The supervisors are responsible for accountability. But whether we can find the superviorsor or not is not what we should worry about.

I love those technologies. So please do not mess up with them.

Blog System Based on the Above Ideas — Hero Blog

Hero Blog is the first DApp developed based on Hero Node technology and is ready for commercial use.

Why do we use Hero Blog?

n In 2001, I started my personal space on Yahoo.

n In 2003, I wrote my personal homepage on CMWAP.

n In 2010, I opened my microblog on Tencent.

But where are they now?

So today I decide to open my Hero Blog, the eternal blog based on the blockchain, to record my personal development, my ideas, and our eternal promise based on the blockchain.

HERO NODE will become the cradle of DApp. But first, you should get HER.

For DApp development, Hero Node is enough.

For Token, HER is enough.

— — — — — — — — End — — — — — — — — —

Guoping Liu

Blockchain technology and applications expert, one of Bitcoin’s first miners, founding developer of the Hero mobile cross-platform framework, president of the Hero Council. Formerly @ Wind, The9, and Dianrong, where he was heavily involved in the development of Dianrong’s blockchain applications.

Previously spent many years developing the Hero framework and blockchain applications. In 2017, meshed the two together to create Hero Node, aimed at making distributed applications easy to develop for everyone. Staunch believer in a better future with distributed applications.

In an open world, Hero Node welcomes any and all feedback. Especially helpful feedback will be rewarded!

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