How WPS Makes Life Easier And How Can I Access WPS Settings:

Herry Ken
2 min readApr 30, 2018


Belkin Technical Support

WPS makes security and connectivity more simplified and easy to use.With just a push of a button, you can get your devices connected to your wifi network without having to enter the password. Only those devices with accessibility permission can do that. Now let us see how you can access and make changes to the WIfi Protected Setup (WPS).If you want any Belkin Technical Suppport then we are here to help you.

Step 1: First, connect your Belkin router to your computer to get access to your router’s administrative settings. Using an Ethernet cable, connect one end of the cable to the LAN port of your router while the other end of the cable goes into the Ethernet port of your computer. Wait for few minutes to let the connection get established.

Step 2: Open your web-browser and enter the default IP address in the URL field. The default IP address for Belkin routers is This will redirect you to the login page your router. In case default IP does not work, search your default IP address as per the model number of your router.

Step 3: Login to your router with default login credentials, enter ‘admin’ in the username and leave the password field blank. The default username & password also differs as per model number. So search it if it is not working.

Step 4: Now, you will be redirected to the main settings page of your router machine with different options for different functionalities of your router. Select WPS or Wifi Security tab whichever is available from the side list

Step 5: on the main WPS settings tab, you will notice various options, first changed the Encryption type to WPA2 as WPS does not work with older encryption options likeWAP. Below the Encryption type, you will notice a box for ‘Pass-Key’ this is your wifi password which you will need to share with devices which will connect to your router device. Choose a strong password from different combinations.

Step 6: Save the settings you just made, and you have successfully configured your Belkin router machine’s WPS settings.

These are some of the steps to configure your router machines WPS settings. Hopefully this will eradicate any issues, queries or doubts you had regarding the Wifi Protected Setup. In case you did not understand anything or have other router related problems, then contact our Belkin Tech Support team for Belkin at their toll-free Tech Support Number for Belkin. You can also make use of Live chat support for Belkin if our customer executives are busy on other calls.

