ratna altika
3 min readJun 8, 2018


What is Ethereum Private?

Ethereum Private is an innovative cryptocurrency he has the advantages of both the ethereum and neo and Zcash, a form of digital currency secured by cryptography and issued through a decentralized mining market. Etherum Private introduces an unique form of proof-of-work based on prime numbers, While maintaining all the advantages of smart contracts, Etherum Private hides all informations to protect user privacy in all transactions. It also has a dynamic block size and dynamic fees and an ASIC-resistant proof of work.

What is the mission of Ethereum Private ?

Our mission is to create an open, global economic platform from which no-one can be excluded. We believe that personal privacy is essential for core human values like dignity, intimacy, and ethics. Companies need privacy in order to conduct business. Privacy strengthens social ties and social institutions, enables democracy and civil political processes, protects societies against their enemies, and helps societies to be more peaceful and more prosperous. We are a science-driven team. We are the discoverers of the underlying scientific techniques and the designers of the technology but we are not the ultimate controllers of the network — that power lies in the hands of the users. We believe in decentralization, which promotes security and fairness.

How can I get Ethereum Private?

Everyone who held Ethereum or Ethereum Private Token when ferst block after epoch date: 1532476800 was mined will automatically receive Ethereum Private at the rate of 10 ETH = 1 ETHP or 10 ETHPT = 1 ETHP. (If you had 5 ETH at the time of the fork, you will receive 0.5 ETHP, or If you had 1000 ETHPT at the time of the fork, you will receive 100 ETHP.)

Here are the following features of Ethereum private

  • Privacy: Ethereum Private uses an indistinguishable security innovation from Zcash (zk-snarks). This implies installments are distributed on an open blockchain, yet the sender, beneficiary and other value-based metadata stay unidentifiable.
  • Untraceable: Sending and accepting locations and in addition executed sums are muddled of course. Exchanges on the Ethereum Private blockchain can’t be connected to a specific client or certifiable personality.
  • Resistance to quantum computers: On the off chance that there is one thing which can make genuine inconvenience the entire Blockchain circle it absolutely is Quantum Computing.
  • Anti-ASIC: Ethereum Private will be impervious to ASIC machines To keep up a decentralized system

Bellow shows the comparism of Ethereum private and others

Listed above shows the comparism of Ethereum private and the configuration process

To purchase our token please visit the following link bellow:

Token distribution:

Ethereum private platforms

Token distribution plan

Found Distribution

more info please click the link below:





AUTHOR: oi pantura

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